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Blair's POV*
An annoying light enters the room, disturbing my sleep. I slowly open my eyes and look down at myself. When did I leave the party?
Then I look at the man near me, Chuck Bass. He was sleeping, his shirt opened, revealing his abs and looks like he was still dressed in his tuxedo pants.
I can't move as Chuck's hand was pressing on my waist and my left thigh is sitting between his feet.
"Hello, husband", I whisper and I can see a smile on his face.
"Chuck Bass, you're such a-"
"It's the first day we're married and you're already calling me a di*k?"
I roll my eyes, trying to be annoyed but I can't manage to stop myself from smiling.
Chuck's hand pulls me by waist right next to him, as I stare at him.
"How did I get here", I sigh and Chuck's smiling, making me raise a brow.
"You were exhausted when the wedding ended and fell asleep in my limo. I carried you from there."
I smiled, gently moving my finger along his cheek.
"Oh, you sweet thing", I sarcastically say as I could feel his smile against my lips and his hands moving my body so that I was on top of him.
"Let's get this of, shall we"
I moan as the dress falls off of me and Chuck's lips touch my neck.
Chuck's POV*
"Chuck, it was amazing", my now wife sighed still laying on me, exhausted.
"I know, Blair."
For a second I look at her... she's gorgeous. Her skin is so smooth and her hair, eyes, lips, nose are just perfect. She rolls her eyes at my cocky reply.
"What are you looking at", she asks, touching my face.
"You're beautiful", I couldn't help but sigh. Blair gave me a sweet smile and a peck on the lips.
"We've got work today, wakey wakey", she says, full of energy, letting the light come in.
"Uh Blair, close the curtains...", I moan, covering my eyes from the light.
"I need sun to study fashion and you're going to be at Bass Industries all day so...", Blair smiled sarcastically.
"I need to study fashion", I mimicked Blair and she laughed.
I got out of the bed. Even though I didn't want to admit it, she was right(as usual)- I need to pick my tie.
"Which one is good for this", I ask Blair, showing her a black tuxedo.
"Anything, but I'd go with red."
Blair gets up, tying my tie, and holding me closer.
"Now don't you look good, Mr. Bass?", she smiles looking down at my tux and I stroke her hair, kissing her forehead.
"I love you", I whisper and she smiles at me.
"I know, now, get to work."
I raise my eyebrows and she chuckles.
"Ok, I love you too, now goooo", she pushes me, kissing me one last time.
Blair's POV*
Finally, he just wouldn't leave! I need to see it, I'm scared. I need to take a pregnancy test.
So i go to the toilet and actually end up throwing up(it happened a few times, but I didn't tell Chuck cause he'd be over protective).
After I pee on that thing, it shows a +.
I call Serena.
"S, you won't believe it. I'M PREGNANT."
"Hold on, hold on. YOU ARE WHAT?"
"Pregnant!!!!", I practically yell and laugh at the same time.
"B, is it Chuck's?"
"You really think I'm a whore, don't you?"
We laugh and I tell her it's Chuck's.
"Does he know?"
"Not yet... do you think he'll be happy?", I ask, suddenly anxious.
"You know how much Chuck loves you, he'll love any thing that makes you happy", S says, and I sigh, smiling like an idiot.
"Thank you, S. Oh, and don't tell anyone, I'll manage with that."
"Of course! I'm so happy for both of you."
"Ok, catch up to you soon, ily S."
"Ilyt, B."
I did have some bad morning sickness that day and at a point, it all turned blacked and I didn't know where I was.
6 hours later*
Chuck's POV*
I finally get to be home and be with Blair. She didn't return any of my phone calls so I guess it's ok to say I'm a little worried...ok, maybe very worried.
"Blair?", no response.
"Blair! NO!", I yell and kneel near her body. "Jesus, Blair."
I check for her pulse, sighing relieved when I see she has one and I take Blair in my limo to the hospital.
The doctor said she'll be okay, it's probably because of the stress.
"Chuck?", Blair opened her eyes and I took her little hand into mine.
"How are you feeling", I cup her face and she puts her other hand on my other hand.
"I'm fine, what happened."
"You fainted."
"Oh, yes, Chuck...umm I need to tell you something."
"Go on."
"Well, I've been feeling sick for a week and-"
"You didn't tell me????"
"Let me finish", she groans and I roll my eyes.
"I am pregnant."
Blair is pregnant, that means I'm going to be a dad.
"Blair that's..."
"If you don't want it, I won't have-"
"Amazing", I finish and hug her. "It's mine, right?"
"Uh, obviously!! Why do people even ask that, I haven't had sex with anyone but you in the last 2 years."
"I know, I can be a little-"
"Paranoid? Yes, more than a little", she sarcastically smiles. "When can I get out of here? It's not exactly a place I'd like to live in."
"Common, let's take you out of here", I take her hand and get out in our limo.

Ok so this is my second chapter:)
Will update soon, xoxo

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