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Chuck's POV*
I enter the room, but I don't see Blair, she was probably in the bathroom. I open the door to see
"LOUIS TOOK ME" written in red lipstick.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"A guy, Louis Grimaldi, kidnapped my wife. Please, find his location. Her name is Blair Bass and she's pregnant", I can hardly breath as I rush put of the room to talk to my bodyguards.
"Find Louis, NOW", I yell, hitting a wall. "It'll be ok, Blair, I promise, you and our baby, we'll all be ok."
I get in my limo, looking for Louis in the places where he could be.
"Sir, we found someone named Louis Grimaldi, his location is-"
I snap the phone out if his hand and hand it to the chauffer.
"This, and move as fast as you can", I say in frustration as I collapse in the back of my car. Why did I leave her?
*Blair's POV*
I wake up with a piece of clothing in my mouth so that I can't talk, chained.
"What do you want from me", I cry and try to escape.
"It's pointless, really, I heard you're pregnant, but you lost my child so why wouldn't you do the same with Chuck's", he laughs as I try to speak.
"Oh, I guess you re used with things in your mouth, you know, Chuck's wife and all, but if I remove this and you yell"- he searches in his back pocket for something, pulling out a knife-"this will go right through your little baby."
"What are you doing this to me, Louis? We ended things a long time ago", I cried once again and he only chuckled. I'm gonna have him killed.
"Chuck took all I had... he took my baby when you were in that car with him, my chance to build a family, you..."
"I was never yours, Louis. Deep down, I knew I belonged with someone else."
"Oh, how romantic of you", Louis says sarcastically. He unties me and throws me on the ground, hitting me in my tummy repeteadly till I hear a sound and some colors. Police, it's ok Blair, you need to resist a little longer, it'll be ok.
"I'm gonna kill him", I hear a voice and some fast steps towards Louis and I assumed it was Chuck.
"Mr. Bass, we'll deal with it", two policemen were trying to stop him and then Chuck's arm embraced my body.
"Oh my God, Blair!", a tear falls from his eye as he sees me and I can hardly manage to touch his face.
"Chuck...", I mutter and close my eyes.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry", Chuck cried and I felt all of it. I felt his pain and I was so sorry to be the cause of it.
Okay, so I know this is a short chapter, but thank you so much for reading! Xoxo!

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