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Chuck's POV*
After a few days, Blair could finally come home.
"Hello, sunshine", I smile as my wife opens her eyes.
"Hi", she squeezes my hand, grinning and I see her wedding ring on her finger.
"You still have it?"
"What", she raised an eyebrow as I caresses her palm.
"The ring"
"Are you really asking me that?? Of course I do."- she takes my hand in hers, making me look at my ring.
"You have it too and you should always wear it, because I want people to see you're married."
I chuckle, kissing her forehead.
"Will do. But for now, we're going home."
Blair smiles as I help her get up and carry her to the limo.
"You don't have to hold me, Chuck, I'm fine."
"No, you're fragile."
Blair rolls her eyes and I wonder if she doesn't see how easy it would be for her to get hurt. I MEAN FOR REAL, I just got her out of hospital.
"I need to call Serena and tell her I'm fine."
We get in the limo and she lays her head on my shoulder.
"The baby's kicking", she whispers more to herself, touching her tummy and I smile, pressing my hand on hers.
Serena's POV*
"So, Blair was pregnant and you didn't tell me?? She's like a best friend and is pregnant with my other best friend!!", Nate said in exasperation and I laughed, putting my hands around his neck.
"You weren't supposed to find out", I ironically pout and he smiles.
"Ugh, I can't even be mad at you".
We both laugh as Nate and I decide to have some fun...
Blair's POV*
"Serena isn't answering her phone!!", I sighed in frustration and Chuck laughed.
"What's so funny?", I yell at him and he smiles:
"You're adorable... I'm sure Serena has some business to do... with Nate."
I roll my eyes and kiss him.
"I love you, Chuck."
He hugs me, kissing the top of my head:
"I love you too, which is why you should get some sleep", he whispers and I turn to face him.
"So you don't want this"-I touch his neck- "and this"- i whisper kissing his ear-"and this..."- I take my hand down his pants as he moans surprised.
"Blair, as much as I'd like to-"
"Shut up, Chuck", I begin to unbuckle his shirt as my phone rings and Chuck stares at me.
"What? Fine! I'll answer."
I roll my eyes, answering to Serena:
"Hi, S, what's up?"
"Nate found out... sorry, B."
"It's ok", I sigh, "Just, don't tell anyone yet, okay?"
"Of course! Are we still on for tonight, lil mamma", Serena asks in her 'i'm always happy voice' and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Obviously, see you. Bye, S!"
I hang up.
"So where were we", I smile as I push Chuck on the bed.
Nate's POV*
"Want something to eat", I ask my girlfriend and she gives me a sweet smile:
Serena crumbles into her bed again, sighing.
"Is everything ok?"
But no one answers and I smile when I see Serena sleeping on the couch. I've been thinking about proposing to her... you know, seeing how your best friends having a child and happily married is making me feel stupid for not proposing to Serena yet. It's just... I don't know how to propose. I'm going in the kitchen to call Chuck.
Chuck's POV*
"Blair... I-", I can hardly breathe as she interrupts me:
"Shh, I know."
My phone rings and I roll my eyes.
"This better be important, Nathaniel", I answer.
"Is Blair near you?", he asks and I look down my chest at the petite brunette that was currently half asleep.
"That depends on the importance of the situation."
"I want to propose to Serena."
"Jesus Christ, finally, Nathaniel, I've been waiting for this one!", I laugh and Blair looks up at me, raising an eyebrow.
"So is she near you?"
"Yes, I'll let you speak to her."
Blair's POV*
"Nate, what's wrong?"
"Nothing... I want to propose to Ser-"
"JESUS EFFIN CHRIST YES, LET ME SORT IT OUT FOR YOU", I yell, laughing and I could hear Nate's laugh too.
"That's why I called. You know everything about S."
"Of course I do, stupid, she's my best friend. I'll help you with it, let me think of a way."
Chuck gets out of the bed, making some coffee as I hear Nate replying:
"Thank you so much, Blair. See ya."
"Byeese", I say and I focus my attention on Chuck's strong body.
"I take you already have some ideas."
"Obviously. Serena likes something natural, like wild and free. I waa thinking about them going to the beach for the weekend", I smile and Chuck hands me a cup of coffee.
"So will you plan his proposal too or..."
"He can figure it out from there! It should be his way of showing Serena he loves her!!!"
"Blair... I literally proposed to you in a building with Jack", we laugh and I kiss him:
"Yes, but being with you made up for all of it", I whisper and Chuck smiles.
"We'll be there too, right?", he asks and I raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"At Nate's proposal, but probably hiding behind some bushes."
"Well, duh!"
Nate's POV*
"Hello, beautiful", I say as Serena lazily opens her eyes.
"Hi, Nate."
"So I was thinking... this weekend, do you wanna go in like... a trip to the umm... seaside?"
Damn why am I so insecure??? She can't know I'm planning on proposing ffs, Nate.
"I'd love that", she smiles, caressing my hand.
It's friday today so that means we should leave tomorrow. I know it's soon, but having a best friend like Blair makes it easy- she can do anything in one day.
Chuck's POV*
I hold Blair's hair as she throws up for over an hour and that phone doesn't stop ringing. God!!
"Yes, Nathaniel", I groan and she asks for Blair again.
"She's not very well right now...", I look at Blair who's still puking.
"What do you mean?"
"Look, it's not a good time, I'll call you later", I hang up and run over to my wife who just stopped, laying on the floor.
"Baby, are you ok now?"
"I could be better, help me get up."
I take her hand as we walk to the bed.
"Chuck... we haven't told anyone yet, how are we gonna-"
"Don't worry about that now, I'll deal with it.", I kiss her hand and she closes her eyes.
"Why did Nate call?"
"Oh... he told me he was leaving for the weekend with Serena."
Blair smiled and I'm pretty sure she fell asleep after that. There was no way in hell I was letting her deal with Nate's proposal. I'll help him 'cause I'm also his best friend and Blair's husband... i mean, doesn't that count for something?
I'm at Nate's. If you're reading this, it means you woke up before I came back, but don't worry, I left our bodyguards and you'll be safe.
Xoxo, C.
I leave the note on the desk and go to find Nate and help him.

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