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I'm Maxine. Just Maxine. I usually go by max or that's what most people call be as Maxine is too "formal". I don't have a last name because I don't know it. Sometimes I'll make up one for a job interview or something but I don't have real last name. I live on the streets. Always have and probably always will. I don't live, I survive. Everyday I don't know whether I'm going to eat or be eaten. It's rough but it's my life, but it's the only thing I've known. Survive and nothing else. My best friend is a gun, my bed is whatever I make it, my home or the streets, my dinner is whatever I can find. I tried to see if I can find any of my family, but that is a no-go because I've already tried to break in to the police station once and let's just say it didn't go as planned. Some days are good and some days I go to bed Hungary. Those day's are usually the regular. Sometimes I try to get a job, but with no schooling, or any other experience they usually don't hire me. The only job I have ever had was a ranch hand, but I ended up getting into a fight with one of the other ranch hands and got fired for being to disruptive and not doing my job. It didn't lay much but at the time it was the best I could get. Now I just roam the streets hoping the next day with be better than the last. 

I have a whole world ahead me. Filled with lies, cheats, manipulation, evil gods, (yes evil gods). In the world I live I have yet to learn about these creatures and what they are. Who they are. Why I play a role in their lives and why they see me as the greatest threat to their existence. But the funny thing is, in this world it isn't just one mythology that's real but all, from Roman to Egyptian, it's all real. These Gods, kill people of the earth. They don't know about it but luckily a secret organization, The Men Of Myths, help to keep order with the gods, and strike down those who kill the innocent. But, the compromise was soon broken between the two as the gods heard of a prophecy, one that threatened their whole existence. The gods then went rogue killing those they thought were the prophesied one. I don't know any of this yet, but soon, very soon, my life on the streets will change to something I thought it would never be, I thought I would never be.


A/N: So what did you think of the Max so far. She pretty cool. So Um yeah. Prologue isn't much but I needed a start. A start to get the story going. Hope you like it so far and hope you like the rest of the story.

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