Chapter 4: Who I Am ( More like what I am )

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A person with no meaning, no purpose. Or so I thought.
"I'm a nobody. I'm sorry but I can't help you." I said looking at Doc. I saw hope in his eyes. Hope as he looked at me. But soon that hope faded as I answered his longing question. What must these people have been though to be desperate enough to want my help. I can't do anything. Hell my education comes from the library. I am self-taught in everything else ranging from hand-to-hand combat, to speaking a foreign language. (Yes I originally spoke Spanish but soon I learned English). I can't do anything that can help these people. They want my help but I can't give it to them because I don't know how.

"Of course you can. Have not the knowing of who or what you are?" He looks at me with a questioning look in his eyes. What I am? What does he mean? I just told him I'm a nobody. What more does he want.

"What I am? What the hell do you mean. I just told you that I am a NOBODY. I WILL FOREVER BE A NOBODY. I HAVE LIVED ON THE STREETS ALL MY LIFE. I CANT DO ANYTHING, TO HELL YOU OKAY SO JUST DROP IT................." A long silence fell after that. I don't know where all that anger are from but it just burst. I know who I am and I don't need a reminder of that ever second of my life. The dirty looks from the people walking the streets is already enough. I don't need people to kidnap me only to remind me that I am a nobody. But, to put everyone at ease, I finished my point.

".........You said you needed my help, but I can't give it to you. I can't help you because I don't know how. You claim to know who or what I am, when I myself don't even know. How can I help you when I can barley even help myself. My life is just a constant cycle of surviving. Never once have I ever go to live. I don't get to laugh, or smile, or play, or,dance around. I get to have a gun in my the waist of my pants, a knife in my backpack, and I have to never let down my guard in case something were to happen. I experienced first hand the capabilities of what people can do to other people and that is why I am the way I am. I don't expect any of you to know, but please, next time don't kidnap me only to remind me of the nobody I am." I almost whisper the last part but not enough for the people in the room to not hear me.

I look down at my blood stained clothes, ( if you can even call them that.) The only decent thing I have on is my brownish grayish leather jacket that I stole from the store. I have some jean pants that are ripped everywhere and have blood on them. My shirt and jacket being the only thing still in tact. Just looking at the way I look almost made me feel pity, but I quickly put those emotions away. I don't have time to feel. I just have to get out of here.

As I look up from my lap I feel the end of the makeshift hospital bed sink as Doc goes to sit in it. I look out of the corner of my eye to see him motion for the rest of the "group" to leave. Everyone just nods there heads in agreement and leave the room leaving behind the awkward silence that fell heavy upon us all.

I see the last person, Carson or Calvin or whatever his name was leave the room but not before takin a quick glance in my direction. I see as he turns away, a grin was plastered on his face. What is this guys game.

"Have you every heard of Greek mythology? Or any mythology?" I looked back at the old man confused. What did mythology have to do with anything.

"I have read few book on it, but Not enough to see what your getting at." He looks at me with a smile on his face. It's mischievous smile tat tells me he knows something I don't. What does he know.

"How familiar are you with the gods of these mythology's?" He asks turning to face me. He looks at me with expectancy. He wants an answer but I'd not know if the one I have with be satisfactory.

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