Chapter 5: Wait what?

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"I'm what?" As soon as he said that my heart stated to beat fast, faster than it ever has. I could feel my breathing starting to become shallow and my vision narrowing. I was having a panic attack. I haven't had one in a while. Not since I was ten. They use to come often as I would run into trouble a lot. But as I got older I got wiser and could handle myself if need be, so they stopped. But it was all coming back now. I couldn't be a killer of gods or whatever he said it was. I was a normal person. Gods aren't even real. There just, myths, nothing more.

"I know it must be a lot to take in right now. Just know, that we need you. As much as you don't feel needed, you are." I was dumbfounded by his words. I'm needed? Yeah right. I can't afford to be needed, or to be a friend. I can only trust myself and my instincts, just like these people can't trust me. I mean could easily take them down if I needed to.

With so many thoughts swirling in my head I just looked down in my lap. Still in my blood covered clothes I closed my eyes, and fell back into the bed. Hoping everything was just a dream and I would be anyway but where I am now, I open my eyes just to see that I am still in the same place.

I let out a long sigh and looked as I heard the old man walk to the door. He let a small but genuine smile cross his face as he looked at me. It was true and full of hope. I don't need hope. But, instead of showing hate or despair, I simply just smiled back.

As I smiled back he sighed. But it was a sigh that he knew he was going to do something that he knew would go well with the others.

"I'll see what I can do about your weapons, and your cat, well I'm pretty sure he should be up by know so I'll go check on him."

"His name is Bastet.......And thank you." I gave him a genuine smile that overly expressed my gratitude. It was rare for me to do so and it felt so foreign. I never ever let my guard down, and I never will, but sometimes, it's nice to just enjoy something so simple as smiling.

"Hmmm. Bastet? What an odd name." And with that the old man left the room leaving me and my thoughts alone. Bad idea.


After while of waiting I decided that I was bored enough and that I would take a look around. I mean what's a little snooping around gonna do. I'm sneaky enough not to get caught. Plus, I can get my cat and my weapons so.....yeah. I started to get out of bed but the gunshot wound proved to be very much of a rain on my parade as I well to the floor with an oomf. My leg throbbed with pain and beat like a heart. I really wanted to get up so I tried again and succeeded. It was hard but I managed to stand up all the way, a little limp in my walk. I started towards the door but caught something in the corner of my eye lying on the bed. A book. It was book, the same book Doc left when he told me what I was. I still couldn't fathom the thought of being someone more than I already am. I limped over to the book and picked it up to take it with me. Maybe Bastet can tell me more. I thought.

I opened the door gently so no one would hear hear the creaking of it. I then stepped out and closed the door so they didn't think I was gone till the found I was not in the room. I turned around and saw I was in a long hallway of closed doors. I started walking down the long hallway of door looking at each door trying to figure out which room y stuff and at would be in. The doors were each numbered, the one I just came out of being number 34. The hallway was a long line of doors numbered in the 30's. I went to a few to see if they were locked looking in a few of them but some just looked like they weren't even being used or haven't been in a few years. Some where locked but I just kept trying to be sure. My body was sore but I was trying to be as careful and quiet as I can. My leg wasn't bad though, as it was oddly and almost completely healed. 

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