Chapter 7: Simple

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Doc's P.O.V. 

"Hello ma'am, have you seen this girl anywhere?" I said holding up a photo from my phone of Maxine. This was a photo from the police database that Cortez was able to successfully hack into. It was mug shot but it was something. She was about the same age in the picture as she was now so this must've been not so long ago. Now that I think about it, I didn't really catch her age. She looked to be pretty young about in her teens, but I could be wrong. Plus, her criminal record was so long, she couldn't have done all that and be barley even an adult. I mean her record listed everything from Grand Theft auto to Battery and Assault against a police officer. 

" No, I'm sorry I haven't sir." The women who had blonde hair and pale skin whom I had shown the picture too was one of many who hadn't. We must've been at this for hours, or at least that's what it felt like. Mary having the same misfortune as I hadn't gotten anything either. And on top of that I still haven't even heard back from Jay, Ford, or Cortez. I've only gotten the picture and that's it. 

I motioned for Mary-who was speaking with another women who shook her head-to come towards me. 

"Any luck" I asked her as she approached the car of which I was leaning against. 

She sighed and gave me the answer I was expecting but didn't want. 

"No nothing. Not a single person could've seen her. Well, what are we going to do now." She asked with a sigh following not long after. 

"I'm going to call it and we will all meet back at the base. I mean Cortez must have picked up something at least. I haven't heard back from Ford or Jay yet so hopefully they got something."

"Okay." Mary replied getting in the passenger seat of the mustang as I sent out the group message to meet back at base before getting behind the wheel and driving off,

1 Silent Car Ride Later:

Everyone was now in the main room of the base as I arrived. 

"Please, please, pleeeeaaaase, tell me somebody got something." I groaned desperately-my voice scratchy from much talking well more or less asking-as I walked into the room while taking off my glasses and pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"Jay and I found where the drag marks end. It seems from there they drove and the tracks showed that it was most likely a larger vehicle. Something like a Humvee would be my estimate. If not, then something larger. I bet if we followed the tracks they might lead us to where she is. But are we even sure that she was taken? I mean there was nothing else besides the tire tracks. For all we care that could be someone just hunting or something." 

" Oh we can be sure alright." Cortez said speaking up whilst sitting down with her head buried in her laptop. "While I had no luck going to security cameras in town and police databases, I decided that if she was captured, they would bring her a secluded area. And as no vehicle that included Ford's description based through any roads, I decided to take a look into private security cameras-which took a while because their were about 245 private security cameras within the 30 mile radius that I scanned through-and found on one a vehicle that fit your description. I enlarged the camera to see if could see anything and found in the reflection of the right side mirror, what seemed like an unconscious body." Finally some good news. 

"Did you get an address on those cameras." I asked hopefully. I wasn't big with tech so I didn't really know how they worked.

"Unfortunately, I didn't, but I did get the licence plate and tracked it to the it's last known location before it went off the maps. If we head there we might be able to follow the tracks and find where it went." She looked up from her laptop with hope in her eyes. I looked around the room at everyone else who waited with anticipation to spring into action.  

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