Chapter 6: What the f**k Now

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"If there had been anything I have ever learned, it would be to keep running"

- Quote by Me 


"Do you really think this is her." 

"Yes, it has to be. She has the mark."

"Well, it could just be a birthmark or something. I mean look at her, she looks like she can barley hold her own, more or less, kill us."

"True, but as long as she bares the mark, we cannot be to sure if she is the right one or not. Till, then she is to stay tied up in that chair." 


"We lost her." Cortez said

"Dammit!"  Mary cursed. "Well let's get back to doc."

Before the duo left something caught their eyes. More footprints. Not just any. Mary would know them anywhere.

"The gods took her." Cortez said.

And with that they ran to the place to report to doc. They told him.

"Do I need to remind you how important it is that we get her before they kill, her?" Ford said

"No Ford." Cortez said rolling her eyes. "We're already on it but that's the only thing they left. We all know hey don't take cars." 

I wake up with a spitting headache, almost as if I was hit in the head with a freaking frying pan. Opening my eyes, I can barley see anything, as my vision was blurred. Trying to focus on whats in front of me a wall-my vision starts to come back but is still blurry. Must've gotten a concussion, I thought.

Looking around at my surroundings I see nothing but grey stone wall. The room itself probably isn't much larger that standard house room. Probably 12 feet my 12 feet. Other than the size oft he room their is nothing else to describe it as. No furniture, no decorations, just plain grey walls, and a heavy duty door. The door itself doesn't look like much, but just a hunk of metal blocking the only way out. 

I tried running to the door to see if I can find a way out, but just as I was about reach it, I felt something tug at my ankles before I fell, landing on the ground with a big 'oomph'. I looked down at my foot to see a long metal chain, around my foot and a pol just a few feet away. 

Really, they actually chained my up. Wow. I thought. Well, it wouldn't be the first time

I examined the chain around my ankle-the right one to be exact to see if there is any possible way I could get out of it, but it looked like it had been welded together so that idea went out of the window fast.The only possible way for me to get out of it would be if I cut the chain itself, or I severed my foot-which was not going to happen


P.O.V Change: Doctor Thomas or Doc

"Where did she go?" I frantically asked everyone else who now stood in the main room of the bunker. After she had ran out of the room I had everyone else go after her including the cat, but when they came back, they came back emptied handed. 

"I don't know, she just disappeared. We followed some tracks she left through the forest but we lost them. I mean a minute they were there, and then they weren't." Jay, said as he paced back and forth. He was nibbling at his fingers, showing how worried he was. I looked at everyone else and saw how nervous and anxious they were as well. And I didn't blame them, I was frantic too. I mean our only way of being able to stop the  Gods for good was gone, with no trace or way to find her. There must've been something at least. 

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