Chapter 9: Grenades

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Through the still forest, there is no noise. Only the flutter of wings of butterflies that pollinate the many colored flowers that litter the floor of the woods. Trees sprouted in many which ways growing taller, almost reaching the sky. Some may have even thought that if you where to chop one down, it would reach all the way across the world. At least that's what the rabbits of the forest think as they nestle in their burrows to avoid the oncoming hunters who can kill in one swift motion. Their sharp teeth perfect for snapping a rabbits neck. The deer's poking their heads up as they hear something oncoming. Something roaring and crushing anything that may lie in it's path. Some may even have thought it was a tiger, but most knew that tigers did not hunt in that part of the territory. As the sound grew closer animals hid within the forest, away from anything that can hurt them. The butterflies, squirrels, and other woodland creatures that may have inhabited the area, ran and flew out in many directions as the roaring creature came flying through the area killing the plants that so unfortunately where in it's path.


The wind flew through my hair throwing it in every direction as I drove through the forest not knowing which way is which. The Humvee spitting toxic fumes as it raced through the undergrowth, rotating and pushing the vehicle further and further. 

Looking through all the trees and  listening with my ears, I keep watch for anything that may lead me to where everyone is. I need to find them as fast as I can before it's to late and they start to swarm the place with guards. If that happens we can say goodbye to any freedom that everyone is fighting for at the moment. I turned around to face the tanned leather seats that where fairly worn but still in tact. Few things where back there like a first aide kit and what looks like a few handbooks on the vehicle, but nothing useful-well at least not at the moment. Turning back around to face the front a reached over to the glove department on the side of the passenger. Fumbling to open it, I swerve around the trees to avoid a disaster as I try to keep my eyes on the path ahead of me. Multitasking while driving isn't exactly the smartest thing to do and certainly not the easiest. Finally getting the glove department to open by pulling the latch that released it from the grip of the Humvee, I ran my fingers through the papers stashed in it. Pulling everything out onto the passenger seat I rummage through what seems to be registrations and other unimportant stuff. 

Quickly dismissing the idea that anything useful would be in there I try to look around to see if there could be anyway else that could give me any clue of where to go. Not seeing anything I pulled the Humvee to the side where I could kinda camouflage everything. Turning the ignition key so the Humvee rested and the noise stopped, I opened my side door that was filled with indents from the bullets that were fired at it and went to the back of the vehicle. Observing it to see if there were any secret compartments or something I quickly saw there was a back sorta trunk thing. Rushing to it I ran my fingers over and under and all around to check for a latch of some sort that could open it. Running my fingers over the box trunk thing I found a lever that was located under it and pulled it hard. It was a bit rusted but it still opened revealing some sort of map. Pulling it out and opening it up, it looked like it was map of the area. Searching through it to see if I could find everyone I found that they had all the cameras labeled at the locations of which they were placed. Finding the one I had saw them earlier on and then finding the path that had led me to where I was now, I ran back to the drivers side and started up the engine once more. 

I rushed down the path as fast as the Humvee could go, burning gas faster than I should have. Glancing at the map once in a while to make sure I stay on the path I need to and going where I should I start to hear yelling and the firing of guns in the distance. Stopping the Humvee so I don't draw nay attention, I grab my gun and make sure it's loaded so I was prepared. I needed to be fast and quite so they don't suspect me. Getting out of the Humvee I quickly make my way to the noise of fighting careful that I don't make any noise myself. Making my way to the battle scene, I see everyone trying their best to fend off the guards that keep just keep coming. Noticing one of them, Cortez I think, bleeding from the left side of her abdomen as she clutched it, I knew something was wrong. 

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