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"Congratulations to the graduating class of NG39." Mayor Rivera's voice echoes around the room.

He starts calling the names of the graduates so they can receive their badges. I gaze around the room, letting my thoughts wander. Most scholars would be graduating school this year, but I graduated early, so I had better job opportunities. This year, I'm getting my career.

In the front row of chairs sit the parents of the graduates. All the graduates except me. My parents died two years ago--on my fourteenth birthday. They were taking my career application to our government supervisors. They never came back, and I was eventually informed that they had been killed in a car wreck on their way back home.

"Raven Dawson." The mayor's voice pulls me out of my daze.

I stand and make my way to the front of the stage. He pins the badge to my uniform and gives me an approving nod. I nod back and return to my seat.

Eventually all the graduates receive their badges and it's time to leave. As I make for the exit, all I can think about is my fourteenth birthday. I'd spent the whole day with Martin--my best friend from school. Nobody's seen him since my parents' funeral. Nobody knows anything about where he went, but his sister has herself convinced I made him leave.

I push through the glass doors and start on my regular route home. As the doors fall shut behind me, I hear a flat "Congratulations."

I turn around and see Kayla--Martin's older sister.

I bite my lip. "Thanks."

"Hard to believe it's already been two years, huh?" she scowls.

I swallow hard. "Yeah, it is."

"When do you start your career?" she narrows her eyes.

"Next week."

She scoffs, then takes a step forward. Before she can speak, I do. "I don't know what happened to Martin." I announce rather loudly. A look of outrage appears on her face when I say his name. "I don't know why you think I do, but I don't. I had nothing to do with him disappearing."

She grabs my wrist hard. "Don't act all young and innocent, it's unbecoming." she looks me up and down. "Especially considering who your parents were."

I try to pull my arm away, but she tightens her grip and twists my wrist, digging her fingernails into my skin. "Why is my brother gone?" she snarls.

"I swear, I don't know! If I could bring him back, I would--!"

She lets out a strange cry and shoves me onto the ground."All you ever cared about was you and him! Even now! Have you ever thought about how I felt when he was pronounced dead? The last person he saw was you!" she bellows.

I scramble to my feet. "I didn't know he was pronounced dead... I have thought about how you felt, how could I not? But it's hard to want to comfort you when you hurt me because he's gone! I don't know where he went!"

"You stupid selfish cow!" She shrieks, shoving me over again.

I try to stand back up but she kicks me in the stomach. I collapse onto my knees and she takes off running.

I don't know where he went...

I don't know why he left.

I don't know.

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