Grave Danger Chapter 1

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I sit at my desk, sorting through papers, files and folders By know, I've all but forgotten Martin. Kayla doesn't bother me anymore, and I've forced myself to move on. "Smith, Dawson, my office." The chief calls.

Jackson and I exchange a look of confusion and mild alarm, then stand and make our way down the hall.

"I have a special assignment for you two." she says as we sit down.

"Oh, finally!" Jackson exclaims. "We've been doing nothing but paperwork all day!"

She stares at him a moment, one eyebrow raised. "Anyway." she says loudly. He shrinks in his chair. "The convenience mart was robbed earlier today and by some guy we haven't been able to catch. We got a vague physical description, but we haven't been able to obtain any photos." She puts a folder on the desk and Jackson immediately snatches it.'

"White male, around six feet, dark hair..." he says as he reads.

"But that's barely anything, how are we supposed to find him?" I ask.

"I was getting to that." she hesitates. "...Just go patrol around town, and make sure to keep an eye out for anyone who fits his description."

"Aye aye, captain." Jackson says standing up.

I hold the chief's gaze a minute longer, a baffled expression on my face.These are some oddly vague instructions... And why do we need to go after him? Can't she get the officers already out on patrol to look for him? The information we have will be darn near useless. What are the chances we'll actually find him?

"Is there a problem, Dawson?" She asks.

"Seriously, Raven. Let's go." Jackson nags.

I shake my head and stand up. "Sorry."

Jackson rolls his eyes and walks out. "Whatever, just come on."

Jackson rolls his window up and down repeatedly. "Is she sure this guy is even still in town? He might've run off."

I sigh loudly. "Why don't you look at the folder again?"

He pulls it out of the glovebox--I have no idea why he put it there--and starts flipping through it. "All it says is roughly what he looks like and when he robbed the convenience mart."

I roll my eyes. "Well just keep an eye out, we'll keep patrolling."

He scoffs. "Pff, yeah right. I'm not gonna just drive around all day. Pull up to the gas station, we'll ask people if they've seen him."

"Sure thing." I say flatly, pulling into the parking loi.

Jackson shoves through the door, the sound of a ringing bell greeting him. He immediately makes for the front counter, and I go to look around the aisles for people.

Oddly enough, the building seems completely empty. Before long, Jackson walks down the aisle I'm looking through. "She hasn't seen anyone matching his description, she said the only customers she's had all day were a group of tween girls."

"Guess we better keep driving.": I say.

The bell on the front door rings and someone walks in. Jackson raises an eyebrow at me and races down the aisle. I roll my eyes and walk in the opposite direction, looking around the aisles some more.

Crash! "Stop!" Jackson shouts.

I speed down the aisle just in time to see a tall guy in a gray hoodie run out the door. Jackson holds a hand to his stomach, gasping for air. "Go get him!" he barks at me.

I dash out the door after the hooded guy.

He climbs over a fence and starts running through people's yards. I take to the sidewalk parallel to where he is, hoping to make it to the other side before he does.

Just as I'm rounding the corner he jumps over a gate, hits the sidewalk and takes off sprinting again. "Hey, wait!" I shout, speeding up.

I feel my adrenaline finally kick in and use it to go even faster. I get closer, closer and jump! I crash into him from behind, and he lands in a patch of grass near a telephone pole. I pull his hands out from under his body and cuff them together on his back, then stand up off of him. I leave him lying on the ground for a minute to let myself catch my breath, then pull him to his feet. "Let's go." I say and turn him back towards the gas station, pushing him forward.

He pulls away from my hand unexpectedly hard and turns around.

I feel the color drain from my face as I stare into his aqua eyes. "...Martin..." I gasp.

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