Grave Danger Chapter 12

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All my energy drains out of me after only about an hour, when yesterday I could go several hours before I got too tired. Apparently I don't have as great stamina when I'm injured. My left leg is so sore from having all my weight put on it, and my right leg feels ready to fall off. First it was just one foot in front of the other. All day. Non-stop. Now I just have to keep hopping forward on my one good leg, and it exhausts me three times as fast as walking.

Martin hasn't offered to help me walk, but I'm not sure I would accept if he did. My leg feels much better today than it did yesterday, but I know walking all day is probably the worst thing for it. nI look over my shoulder at Aiden, who seems to be faring worse than I am. He's dragging his wounded leg behind him as he limps after me. I slow down until he's walking right next to me, then hold out a hand towards him. He stops. "Here." I He smiles and steps closer to me. I pull his arm over my shoulders and hold onto his left arm.

"Thanks. He says.

"No Problem." I can tell he's more tired than he looks, as soon as we start walking again he leans on me, basically letting me drag him so he can rest. But I don't mind. So I keep limping on, carrying my wounded new friend with me.

The pale moon shines in spots through the tall trees overhead illuminating the dirt trails beneath our feet, which are mostly covered in dead leaves.

"Let's stop here for the night." Martin slows to a stop near a large overhang of trees next to a hill.

"But we're so close," Aiden says, letting go of me and attempting to stand on his own. He wobbles. "Why not just keep going? We might could be to Whitewood by morning."

Martin looks extremely annoyed by his request. "We'll just rest. It'll be fine. There's no reason to keep going all night, let's just wait it out one last time."

"Why?" Aiden asks.

Martin lets out a huff.

"Nevermind." Aiden says rolling his eyes.

"I'll go see if I can find us any food." Martin says, then stands and walks off through the forest.

Aiden steps back and leans against a tree, then eases himself down to the forest floor. I take off my backpack and drop it on the ground by the tree, then sit down next to him. "What's got him in such a bad mood?" I look off in the direction Martin just went.

Aiden shrugs and rolls his eyes. "Who knows. He's been acting funny ever since he decided to fake his death and pretend to be a bandit for four years."

"Hmm." I purse my lips.

Aiden's head falls against mine. "Man, I'm tired." he sighs.

"Me, too." I say quietly, smiling.

Silence lasts a second.

He turns his head and looks into my eyes.

He starts to say something, but before I can stop myself I lean in and kiss him. His right hand goes to my cheek.

I hear footsteps that abruptly stop a few feet away from us. Aiden leans backward, separating us.

I turn around and see Martin standing over us, his outraged face lit up by the moonlight. Aiden and I stare at him silently. Why is he so upset? I don't know what to say.

Without anyone saying anything, he turns ahbnd disappears again.

I turn slowly back to Aiden, feeling a little awkward. He rolls his eyes again and shrugs. "Whatever, he's just being ridiculous. Forget about it."

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