Grave Danger Chapter 4

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How is this possible? Why is he a criminal? What happened to him? What am I supposed to do if I find him again? Just arrest him like it's nothing? I couldn't make myself do it the first time. Maybe I can now since I've seen what he can do. Maybe I'll just thank him for punching Jackson...


He grabbed me by the shirt collar and said "If you ever touch Raven again, I swear you'll regret it!"

I slow down, but don't completely stop. Why did he say that? Why did he feel the need to hurt Jackson? What is he doing back here? Where was he the last four years?

I burst through the front door and collapse against the wall.

Footsteps come from the hall. I jump to my feet, my hand reflexively landing on the pistol on my belt.

Martin appears around a doorway, I freeze in place. He's so tall. I'm not necessarily short, but the top of my head only reaches his shoulder. He looks very intimidating. His gray hoodie clumsily pulled up over his shaggy black hair, his incredibly rich tan. I tighten my grip on my gun, but don't pull it out. "Raven." He says cautiously.

I shudder. His voice is so deep and gravely. He takes a step forward, I take two back. "H-how are you here?" I puzzle. He doesn't respond, but looks flustered and a little worried. "You're dead. You have been for years now... How are you alive?"

He let's out an exasperated sigh. "I don't have time to explain right now, we have to get out of here."

"Wh--get out of here? We? This is my home! You're a criminal! I can't help you!"

He walks towards me again, his hands up like he's going to try and touch me. "I'm not a criminal, Raven."

I take another hasty step backward. "You sure ran like one when I was trying to catch you! You robbed a store! I watched you get hauled off to a cell in handcuffs! You punched Jackson in the face! Sure sounds like criminal behavior to me!"

"You don't understand, I had to do that. I was just... acting."

"Well you're scary good at it. Why the heck did you hit Jackson?"

"I didn't like the way he was treating you."

I feel the color drain from my face. "Wh--yu--that doesn't mean you can beat him up!"

"I didn't beat him up, it was one punch."

"Whatever! You can't do that!"

"Why not? He's a jerk!"

"Do you think you're any better? You got arrested! Then BROKE OUT! I'm a police officer, Martin! I have to take you back to the station!"

He steps forward and puts his hands firmly on my shoulders. "I'll explain, I promise. But later. I came back for a reason."

I feel a wave of chills shoot down my spine as I stare into his beautiful eyes. He's so calm all of the sudden, and looking at me so intently. I don't even try to move away this time. I don't want to. My mind is flooded with memories of how I fawned over him back when we were in school together. I draw in a shaky breath. "What do you need?"

A quiet smile pulls at his face. My heart flips. I forgot how much I love the way he looks when he's happy. "But on one condition." I say. "You have to explain where you've been first."

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