Grave Danger Chapter 11

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After a couple good hours of waiting, Aiden moves the stone a bit so we can see. I pull off my backpack and we eat a decent supper. "Should we wait to keep moving until tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah, just to be safe we should probably stay here the rest of the night. THey might still be looking for us right now, but by tomorrow they will have given up." Aiden says.

"Sounds good." Martin replies, pulling the police jackets out of the backpack and handing one to Aiden.

I take one and lay it out. As I'm lying down I see Martin grab the first aid kit and start tending to Aiden's knee.

Supposedly we'll make it to Whitewood tomorrow, but I'm not sure now that two of us have leg injuries. I hope it doesn't take us longer than tomorrow, I"m not sure I'll be able to keep going if we have to walk two more days.

I wake up feeling absolutely hyped, not the least bit tired. Martin and Aiden are both still sleeping, Aiden's knee is wrapped in bandages. A pile of bloodstained cloths and wipes are lying on the cave floor next to Martin. I slowly make my way to my feet and limp over to the entrance of the cave, pushing the stone out of the way. The sky outside is dark blue and I can see the sun rising in the distance.

"Martin." I whisper.

He stirs--turns over and groans. I roll my eyes and limp over to him. "Martin."

He doesn't respond. I ease myself on to the floor and crawl over to Aiden. I gently lift up his arm and turn on the backlight of his watch. 5:37. He suddenly jolts violently, then slowly sits up. "Sorry." I whisper.

He rubs his eyes. "What?"

"Sorry," I repeat. "I was messing with your watch. Did I wake you up?"

He shakes his head. "No, it's fine. What time is it?" he looks down at his wrist.

"Should we wake Martin up now?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah, we might as well get going as early as possible."

I crawl back over to Martin and shake his shoulder. "Martin!" I had no idea he sleeps so soundly...

He pushes my hand away and sits up. "Okay, I'm awake." he grumbles.

I look over my shoulder at Aiden. "He was up pretty late taking care of my leg," he says pointing to the pile of bloody cloths. "Don't expect him to be as patient as he normally is,"

I nod and turn back to Martin. "We have to get going soon, we're pretty close to Whitewood."

He rolls his eyes and grabs the backpack, rummaging through it. "Yeah, I know that." He pulls out some food and water and stuffs what's left of the first aid supplies back in.

We all eat a decent amount of food and I put the backpack on. "Come on," Martin points to the cave entrance. "Let's get going."

He and Aiden help me climb out then get out themselves. "Which way?" I ask.

Aiden looks back in the direction we left the bandit camp from, then points straight at me. "That way."

I can't help but notice how not intimidating he looks without the bandana over his mouth, He has bright eyes and a happy expression on his face. Standing next to Martin with his messy hair and exhausted scowl, I'd never guess he was a bandit. I feel my face turn pink when he smiles at me. His green eyes are so bright.

"Let's go." Martin says sounding angry.

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