Warlock Head Canons

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I've been procrastinating on my warlock story, so to show some love for my favorite DnD class in a short simple way, I'ma give you some head canons for my warlock trio while you wait for the main story.

Most of the time Doc is the brain cell of the group. It's not that Mumbo and Cub aren't smart. It's just they make bad choices. That being said, the whole group has the combined wisdom of a boiled cabbage.

In a fight, Mumbo and Cub just hide behind Doc. He's a big guy with big armor. It makes a lot of sense. However, he hates it when one of those little bastards starts a fight and then goes to hide behind him.

Doc is the only one who knows how to drive a horse and carriage, but he drives like a bat out of hell and makes Cub and Mumbo think they're going to die.

Behind the scenes fact, Doc will always be 3 levels ahead of Cub and Mumbo till he hits level 20 and gives the other two a chance to catch up.

Cub has this 3-inch stack of forged documents that'd do 2d4 bludgeoning damage to someone if he hit them with it.

Mumbo likes using his telepathic abilities for chaos. Like he'll be sitting in a tavern and then decide to telepathically whisper, "We know about your sins." to the guy two tables over and try to play all innocent when the guy freaks out.

One time Cub had a bag of humanoid teeth on him, which no one knew how he got a hold of, and after some greedy noble the trio was staying with stole all his money, he cast greater invisibility on himself, snuck into the noble's room, and scattered them all over their bed, which freaked out the noble when they woke up. After that, Doc and Mumbo started calling him the tooth fairy.

Mumbo has some cult's sacred sacrificial dagger. Nobody's sure where he got it from or why he even has it, but he feels like he set the cult's plans back a little by having it, so there's that. He's stabbed two people with it before, but they survived.

All three of them are athletic to some extent, but Doc is the most athletic. He even has huge muscles and often says "My friends in wizard prep school didn't call me the future muscle wizard for nothing." while flexing said huge muscles. Cub and Mumbo are not annoyed by this at all.

Mumbo and Cub have awesome facial hair that they totally don't hold over Doc's head.

Doc has these awesome goat horns that are about a foot from his head to the tip. Mumbo and Cub sometimes call him the metal goat because of that.

The three of them are still trying to come up with a cool nickname for Mumbo.

This list kinda makes Doc sound like an annoyed parent, but as long as he gets to join in on the shenanigans, he's cool. He just likes participating and making sure his bros are okay.

Cub and Mumbo developed a strange scruff of skin on the back of their neck similar to the skin a kitten has that makes it easier for their mom to pick them up by. Doc's not sure how they got it, but it makes it easier to catch them if they decide to be little bastards.

Doc has a strong bond with these little bastards and does not want what happened to his wizard prep friends to happen to them.  It keeps him up at night a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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