83 - Ben

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I've stated this headcanon before, but Ben can stay outside of his cartridge for about three days (sometimes less than that if he's used his powers a lot) before needing to go back in and "recharge." If he needs to go back, he'll show a variety of symptoms, or "stages" which are as follows: (Stages 1, 2, and 3 sometimes change order)

Stage 1: His powers stop working. He can't teleport, can't levitate, can't do anything power wise. 

Stage 2: He'll experience headaches and/or stomach aches, the kind that has you laying on your bed wanting to die because of how painful they are. If it's a headache, he'll sometimes brush it off as a side effect of a flashback, for he sometimes gets really bad headaches after experiencing a flashback. 

Stage 3: He becomes very weak, lethargic, and gets dizzy if he stands up for too long. 

Stage 4: This one will only happen if he overused his powers prior to his last recharge, but if he needs to go back in early, he will experience seizures and painfully strong migraines.

Final stage: He'll eventually pass out and go comatose, unable to wake up until he's able to get back into his cartridge. If he's unconscious in that state for too long (about a few months or so, some would guess), he'll die. 

These stages can occur anywhere from a day before he has to go back to hours before he has to go back. He doesn't really like going into his cartridge because he gets lonely in there and he can't take anyone into it with him. He'll try to stay out for as long as he physically can before he goes through the final stage and will even go as so far as to hide the symptoms from his friends for as long as possible.  Once the other pastas notice, however, he eventually complies and goes back in. On the bright side though, recharges don't usually take super long, only about a day or so. 

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