the eighth wonder

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"Did you hear that there's another wonder? Her name is Amashi

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"Did you hear that there's another wonder? Her name is Amashi."

"Amashi? If you split that up, Ama means rain, and Shi means death, am I right?"

"Strange, you're right.."

"What does she do?"

"Well, rumor has it that when it rains, she'll come out near the windows at morning, or afternoon. If you hear her singing, you're safe. But, if she's not, you're dead or captured to be her slave. She only sings when she's in a good mood, though."

"Well, I hope I don't meet her."


The Eigth Wonder: Amashi.

"Oi, Hanako-kun! Stop staring out the window and help me clean!" The girl, who's name is Yashiro, yelled.

It had been a few weeks since the incident, and the school's reputation had gone back to normal. Most of the students students moved on from it, most not even knowing the girl.

Yashiro's empathy and grief still hung around, but the one who was mostly affected was Hanako, the Seventh wonder of the girl's bathroom.

He would still smile and talk, but to Yashiro, a frequent visitor and worker, noticed that he seemed off. She understood that they were friends, but it's not like he would be too affected, right?

I mean, death does surround him all the time. He's dead himself! Couldn't he like, visit her or something?

Of course, unknown to Yashiro, he couldn't do that. She had probably passed on, unless one of two things had happened.

"Oh yeah, I'll help." He said, turning back and grabbing a broom.

The rest of the time they spent sweeping was quiet. Finally, Yashiro had finished her job and could free herself from the hours of cleaning practically nothing.

Once the two said their goodbyes, and Yashiro was off, the boy made his way back to the window. He sniffed the air once, then twice, then stared at the dark clouds rolling in.

"Ah, I can see who this 'Amashi' is about." He said to himself.

When he heard the rumors of 'The Eighth Wonder', his interest peaked. After all, the Seven Wonders hadn't had a new Wonder in years. And why would he not see the new Wonder?

You would think he could visit the Wonder's physical domain, but there was none of the such. This new person was quite a mystery...

With out Hanako realizing, the clouds had already been hovering over the school for some time.




The rain started pouring down, braking the poltergeist out of his thoughts. He stepped out of the bathroom, knife in hand, and walked slowly down the halls of the school. He checked every window, and found no one. He continued down to the next floor, and checked every window too, but found nothing or no one.

When he reached the first floor, he heard someone's voice. He followed it to the end of the hallway to one room, and when he pressed his ear on the door he heard faint singing.

Could this be her? Could this be the so called 'Eight Wonder'? What if it was? What if they're really powerful, and ended up hurting him?

He shook his head, he didn't have time to overthink. It could stop raining any second, and he would have lost his chance.

He slipped through the door, the voice reaching his ears stronger than ever. He scanned the room, and his eyes met the body of a teacher. The teacher was singing and writing down notes on the chalkboard.

He let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. It wasn't even the person. So, the rumors were fake; there was no 'Eight Wonder'.

He got slightly disappointed, but he didn't understand why. Wouldn't it be nicer if things were to stay like they were? They didn't need an Eighth Wonder right now, or a demon with a false rumor.

He continued back to his safe place, the girl's bathroom on the third floor. He soon found himself turning the corner to the bathroom, but froze in his place. In the direction he was heading, he felt an immense aura of anger.

The air went thick and humid, and he could feel wrath radiating through him. He's never felt this the whole time he was a poltergeist, and he knew this wasn't an aura one of the original Seven Wonders would be holding.

A corrupt demon, perhaps? Maybe a regular demon?

He pulled out his knife and walked bravely in the direction of this aura. The air seemed to be getting thicker and hotter as he approached the bathroom.

He placed his hand on the door, the old wood creaking as he pushed it forward.

"Hello?" His voice rang, breaking the ear piercing silence. The dark aura flicked off as he made his way into the room. His eyes widened as they met the person in the bathrooms eyes. "Y/n-chan?"

"H-Hanako-kun?" Her voice echoed, reaching the ears of the boy. He's never heard such an angelic voice, but maybe it was just the fact he missed her so much.

"Y/n!" He screamed, running to her. He jumped and wrapped his arms around her, tears building up in the corner of his eyes. He normally doesn't cry, even in the most desperate situations. But for some reason, the feeling of relief was too much for him to bare. His whole chest felt ten times lighter.

"W-Who are you, and why are you hugging me?" The girl, which he named Y/n, asked. He pulled away, looking at her with almost desperate eyes. "What do you mean? I'm Hanako, y-you just said it." He said, his voice coming out confused.

"I don't know why I called you that, it just came to mind," She said. "now can you get off me?"

He pulled his arms away hesitantly.

This wasn't the Y/n he knew. The Y/n he knew would complain about him being touchy, and she wouldn't had been so rude. She wouldn't have had that aura. She shouldn't even be here.

But this was definitely Y/n. The e/c eyes, the h/l h/c hair, the way her voice stuttered, the way she looked at him, it was all her. This was Y/n L/n, no doubt about it.

His eyes shot down to her hips, seeing two knives attached by buckles at her sides. Realization hit him: He was able to touch her, she was definitely a poltergeist like him now. But the fact she has three knives on her means...

"Y/n, could you tell me why you have the weapons of a murder?" He asked, voice trembling ever-so-slightly.

"Um, because I murdered three people... I think."

「𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡」| hanako x readerWhere stories live. Discover now