Chapter 2.

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"Yes, we are the only company who sells such style from high standers for this price. I believe we would be able to help each other out and" Pidge started to say keeping direct eye contract to the manger sitting beside her.

"We understand the reasons why we should partner up our boss was impressed by the arrangement you spoke off during the last meet up. He is interesting in working with your company for the right price but I'm more worried over if you can garreteer us that the products will be as great as you say. I mean how can we trust your team after all we looked into Unit 2 and well" The manger spoke up as he looked to Pidge with slight disapproval. 

"Excuse me" Shiro frowned as he looked to the two men sitting on the sofa opposite them in the small meeting room. He had a feeling what they were getting at and wasn't enjoying the change in topic. 

"I can assure you that we wouldnt fail you and well if we can make many higher companies happy then we shouldn't have problem with you. Not when your been asking for the lowest price we can give and unlike some, we give a 100% cheap or not but we can always walk away and let you go for a company more suitable for your own taste" Pidge replied with a slight smirk trying to hold back her own anger. 

"No we happy to make an agreement over the contract, our boss has checked over the deal and is willing for the bargain both companies will make over this" The second man spoke up and leaned forward signing the contact before his friend spoke anymore.

"Thanks for your partnership, I will send one of my partners over to settle all the little bits tomorrow while we get your first order ready. It was a pleasure to be working with you" Pidge smiled sweetly and stood up with Shiro while holding her hand out to the second person.

"As was it with working along with you, My boss has told me many of your achievements its just a shame you would never be award for such talents" The scone man spoke with a small smile and shook Pidge hand winching as she held his had with a tight grip before letting go. 

"Good day" Shiro smiled before walking away with Pidge who bit her lip to stop from yelling anything at the two while they walked to the lift. 

Shiro pressed the lift as Pidge held the bag with the paperwork inside, he knew she wasn't happy and didnt want her breaking the lift button like Keith has warned him about during his first day on break. They both stepped inside and took a deep breath.

"What an asshole" Pidge hissed and kicked part of the lift while Shiro glanced to her.

"Does this happen often" Shiro asked with slight worry and Pidge nodded weakly.

"We mostly a team of Beta's remember and well most high class companies still see Beta's as background characters who work to serve Alphas while they fuck an Omega like a toy. We looked down on and are expected to work while letting others take the credit" Pidge grumbled and leaned on the lift wall.

"Its not fair and the guy was out of line to try and speak in such a way after his boss already ok the contract with us" Shiro frowned and crossed his arms while Pidge gave a nod in agreement.

"Its what happens, we should just be thankful the boss didnt look down on her straight away like most do in this line of work. We just need to make sure this company kept happy for the next couple weeks then pass it on to the basic units on the third floor who deal with weekly deliveries. Then we just be called for the yearly meeting or if they have any changes to make or something goes wrong" Pidge explained and Shiro nodded slightly.

The two soon walked out of the building shivering slightly as a cold wind blew past.

"Where do we go now" Shiro asked as they stepped outside noticing it was five in the afternoon.

"We return back to base, place the contact in my desk then we go to the pub" Pidge grinned and started walking towards the car given to shiro for the week since his isn't ready for his latest move yet.

"Pub" Shiro asked as he walked beside her.

"Its Friday and we just run over the clients into a full contract. Time to celebrate" Pidge smiled brightly and Shiro nodded.

The two jumped in the silver car and Shiro drive them back, Pidge telling him he could just wait outside but Shiro insisted on walking up with her. They reached Unit 2 office room and walked in, noticing the other desks all empty showing the others already gone home. Pidge placed the bag on her desk before picking up a note left on her computer screen.

"Seems like our friends in Unit 1 was a drink with us" Pidge smirked as she walked over showing the sticky note by Lance telling them to come over to Unit 1 once they return.

"I guess we be celebrating in a bigger number" Shiro smiled and Pidge giggled.

"Nah Keith just wanted to drink a beer and we gave him a perfect reason, we should be more worried over Lance who becomes flirty and needy towards Keith are drinking so much. But at least I wont need to suffer alone with my new partner beside me" Pidge grinned and playfully hit Shiro right harm feeling the metal but stayed grinning. 

"Didnt that hurt" Shiro asked with worry and Pidge shook her head.

"Nah, I hit lance enough times to no longer feel pain over hitting something hollowed" Pidge joked and the two laughed as they walked before reaching Unit 1 door. 

"Please dont be screwing in the office" Pidge whispered begged under her breath making Shiro worry before they open the door seeing Keith and Lance fully dressed. 

"Hey Pidgin" Lance grinned goofily as he gave a slight wave.

"Hey, you two ready to hit the pub or should I just grabbed Shiro and Run ahead" Pidge asked with a slight teasing smile. 

"We coming unless you wanna be all alone with a man Like shiro, we wont blame you if you do" Keith smirked as he walked over and Pidge playfully rolled her eyes.

"You three seem close" Shiro smiled, he knew Keith and Pidge was childhood friends since the two told him during his four days of working in the company. He also learned that Lance joined the company just seven months before Shiro and well helped Keith life change for the better. 

"Well they my boys, I gotta be nice to them or they pout" Pidge joked as the four started walking towards the lifts.

"Aww you care for us really" Lance smiled as he held Keith hand.

"Not you, I mean I still can give Keith some numbers of nice looking men but it seemed those brain washing pills you gave my friend works really well" Pidge teased and Lance pouted like a child while Shiro and Keith laughed.

"Aww I still love you but Pidge if a couple of those numbers leaked from your phone into mine maybe I wont keep being brain washed by love" Keith smirked and Lance sulked more before wrapping his arms Keith while Pidge laughed.

"You two are such dorks" Pidge grinned. 

"Why dont we go for that drink" Shiro smiled and pressed the lift button.

"I think that the best business deal your ever came up with in these four days" Pidge smiled and Shiro chuckled. 

His Beta Boss (Shidge)Where stories live. Discover now