Chapter 3.

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"Hunk, shouldn't you be home with Shay" Nyma asked with worry as notice a panic Hunk step in. 

"She resting right now but I got a call from Garlan company .. it seems they have a complaint and aren't happy with the deal. Unit 2 been called in, the boss just called me even though it says on the system that I'm off" Hunk cried out as he showed the email he received after the call. 

"What an asshole calling you when we were all in the office" Rolo hissed as he slammed his hand into his desk a little. 

"Clam down, we use to Tavo messing with us for now lets just call Pidge and warn her. She be in charge of this making all eyes on her. Hunk return home, Pidge wouldnt keep you here when Shays need you most. I'll call Pidge and pull her back from her rounds, Shiro can you go to Unit 1 and pass on the news to Keith in case he not been warned" Adam spoke up, staying clam while he picked his desk phone, glancing to hunk then to Shiro. 

"I'll let them know, Should I wait with unit 1 or return" Shiro asked as he stood up leaving his grey suit jacket on the back of his chair but putting his phone in his trouser pocket.

"See what Keith says after you pass the news, I'll go threw the email sent to the unit while Rolo brings up the Galran company files and send them to Pidge after" Nyma answered as she started opening things up on her desk computer.

"Adam use Pidge main phone instead of the company she should be visiting since she should be heading out" James spoke up and Adam nodded in understanding.

"Are you sure I should go, Shay understands" Hunk asked unsure.

"Go Hunk, its your day off and Shay having your first child in a company months. Its rare for a beta to make an Omega pregant but it can happen, it just makes the pregnancy a little uneasy. She needs you during the harder days ... go" Rolo smiled slightly and Hunk nodded before leaving. 

"I'll go talk with the boss myself and gain any information I can over the complaint the Galran company gave him. He hates Omegas like me and hates Unit 2 ran by the demon more but even he won't mess us around when their the risk of losing the Galran contract. Tavo an prat but he can at least play nice" Adam grumbled as he grabbed typed Pidge number into his work phone.

"I'll come with you, as back up" James smiled to Adam who nodded thankful. 

"Call if anything changes" Shiro called out before he left for Unit 1 office down the hall. 

Shiro soon reached Unit 1 room knocking before rushing in after Pidge advice, Lance will screw Keith anywhere if they alone and in the mood. Giving the two a couple seconds to get decent before storming in was always a good idea. Stepping inside he notice the rest of Unit 1 was inside at their desks typing up reports or something. 

Ryan, Nadia, Ina and Curtis all looking up from their computers took look at the slightly panic Shiro before watching him walk over to Keith desk. Lance raising an eyebrow as he stood by Keith desk in the middle of passing some documents before Shiro came knocking. Keith guessing he was going to be told something he clearly wouldnt end up liking just by one look at Shiro.

"The boss of our units called hunk and told him the Galran company has a complaint or want to change something about the contract with us. Pidge is now being told while some of us are looking up information and the other are talking with Tavo now. I was told to let you know since Unit 1 and Unit 2 will need to work together. Also do I stay with you or head back to Unit 2 becuase the others weren't sure" Shiro explained as he looked Keith dead in the eyes before taking a deep breath once he passed it all over and Lance mouth dropped.

"Ese lindo pinchazo en la cara. Él hace esto a pesar de meterse con nosotros después del rechazo. Oh, voy a enviar a Pidge a perder por asesinar su trasero por mí. Ni siquiera Satanás puede salvarlo de la ira infernal de Pidge" Lance grumbled screamed clearly not happy as he ranted away in Spanish. 

(Translate Note, this is what its meant to say but not sure if google translate will place it in the right order. LANCE= That pretty face prick. He doing this in spite just to mess with us after the rejection. Oh, I am gonna send Pidge lose to murder his ass for me. Not even Satan can save him from Pidge hellish anger)

"Babe calm down, I understand your not very happy over this but remember we still have to face Pidge when she finds out and I can't deal with that hellish demon alone" Keith sighed and Lance freeze before nodding. 

"I know I've been working under Pidge for just under two weeks now but what do I do. I mean She just taught me the basics of working and gaining clients while keeping old ones happy. We settled unsure companies with ease but this .. everyone seemed more tensed" Shiro spoke up feeling useless since he not sure hot to handle this. 

"We'll head to Unit 2 together, We gonna have to swap everyone around" Keith replied as he stood up.

"Swap around" Shiro asked unsure.

"Unit 1 and Unit 2 aren't very liked as you learnt during your time working under Pidge. Meaning even with this issues the boss Tavo of forth floor will expect the normal monthly results. We split the two units and mix them up, one half stay working like normal while the other half work on the problem" Lance explained with a small smile and Shiro gave an understanding nod.

"Lets head over, Pidge should be returning soon" Keith spoke up as he walked towards the door, stopping as he glanced to his workers looking them all over. 

"Who wants to volunteer for this shitty case" Lance asked as he looked to his fellow workers who frowned at the idea of having to work with Galran Company again.

"I'll do it" Curtis spoke up but his eyes mostly one Shiro before he stood up jogging over, pulling his suit jacket on while his phone was in the pocket.


His Beta Boss (Shidge)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang