Chapter 7.

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"Pidge, please get angry at your brother for me" Keith huffed as he walked into Unit 2 room, heading straight for Pidge desk as he held a card in his hand.

"What did he do .. now" Pidge sighed as she looked up from her computer chair, looking at Keith and holding her hand out.

"He sent Lance a 'get better soon' card" Keith frowned as he passed it to his childhood friend who held back a laugh.

"Is Lance sick" Shiro asked with concern while Adam and James bit down their lips to stop a laugh from escaping their lips, they heard about the famous Matt Holt from a couple of Pidge or Keith stories in the past in their shared break room or long hours shifts together.

"No, he perfectly find but Matt decided that Lance could just be better. Not in the nice friendly way but he just thinks Lance needs to get better before standing near me" Keith explained, hiding his face in his hands to hide his embarrassment since Lance had no clue while Matt sent him a 'get better soon' card.

Pidge finally lost it as she opened the card, seeing her brother fancy writing with the 'To Lover-boy Lafuck. I truly do hope you will get better soon otherwise I will have to help cure Keith from dumbass infection rather soon. From Keith dear friend M.H. .. P.S. Hang in there Keith, I'm sure he can improve into a better model soon'. Falling to forward and just laughing without control, tears filling her eyes and Keith tried his best not to smile while taking back the card.

"It must have been rather sweet to get the demon crying tears of joy" James smirked as he glanced to Adam who walked over to Keith, stealing the card since Keith was starting to laugh with Pidge.

"Oh my, it is" Adam laughed, running over to James and letting him read the card too while Shiro walked over, taking the card from the two laughing males before chuckling himself. 

"Keith .. why did you just run out like that and what did I miss for you to be laughing as bad as Pidge" Lance started to ask with worry and raising an eyebrow towards his bonded mate. 

"Its best if you don't know" Curtis answered and Lance gave a small nod. 

"Anyway, how did the meeting go yesterday" Lance asked with a hopeful smile and the laughing all came to a stop as the good mood fell.

"Not good it seems" Curtis muttered under his breath. 

"It seems that boss business is losing money fast and he will be classing down within months if he doesn't get friends like our company to back him up. He was hoping to use Pidge to wiggle his way into a contact with our company and take money from us and keep his company running while living like the rich prick he acts as. The guy who Pidge rejected was just helping to use Pidge thinking she be desperate for a partnership due to being a beta" Adam sighed as he retuned to his desk, logging onto his computer. 

"Oh" Lance mouthed and the others nodded.

"Thankfully I looked into the company while Shiro and Pidge was heading over and once I noticed the company almost banked-rup, I called up" James explained and Lance let a relief breath out.

His Beta Boss (Shidge)Where stories live. Discover now