Chapter 5.

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"Why hello gorgeous still as cute and deadly as ever I see" Matt grinned flirty as he slid in the booth chair beside Keith, placing an arm around his shoulders. He was tall and without a normal twenty four fit body without having to work for it. Fair skin with an old scar over his left cheek and he seemed to be a Beta. Long messy hazel hair a shade lighter then Pidges tied in a sexy pony tail and caring hazel eyes. 

"Hey handsome, still keeping your daddy mode body I see" Keith smirked back as he turned his head to Matt while Shiro awkwardly sat opposite the two in the booth waiting for Pidge to return and wondering just who Matt was. 

"So, your been looking after yourself or more importantly that guy taking care of you just right. He treating you like a princess or am I gonna need to pay him a visit and teach him how to treat you truly" Matt asked with a caring smile, his eyes only looking at Keith with a rare type of love.

"He been good to me, he loves me and I'm happy with the idiot. My life gotten better with him in but I'll always hold a place for you" Keith smiled gently, the same rare look in his eyes as he looked to Matt while Shiro sat stunned.

"They love each other, a long stronger then any fated bond mark out there. But they love the other so much that they only end up hurting each other. That why they never dated each other, only sharing their first kiss together as a promise to always be apart of their lives but to never chain them down. Matthew wanted to be something Keith needed and Keith wanted to be someone better for Matt but neither could give the other a happy ever after making them just be like this. We a family, we cover each others backs and we always there for them. Keith loves Lance and Matt loves his girlfriend, they only ever be seen as a Beta and as an Omega. But to them, they will only ever see each other as Matt and Keith, each other soulmates that could never be. Its sad but they happy loving another, living without each other and knowing both of them could be free from the pain they would hold if they did join as one. Lance knows about Matt and N-7 knows about Keith, they accepted the two strange fate after seeing the looks in their eyes when they together" Pidge explained in a small voice only Shiri would hear and making the older guy jump a little before taking in everything she said. 

"So, don't worry neither is cheating on their partners becuase they both promised to never ever form their love together" Pidge whispered as look to her older brother and childhood friend. Shiro just listening and frowning at the thought of finding a soulmate but never being able to keep them knowing it only hurt the one you truly love, walking away while they were young to never have the hunger for the other. 

"Its rather sad, to let go your soulmate so they can find love with another" Shiro muttered in a small voice and Pidge glanced to him.

"I think its brave and the kindest thing either could do, either live each day knowing your soulmate is breaking by being with you and crying whenever your back turned or let them go to be happy. They chose to protect each other hearts and smiles by letting go, its beautiful" Pidge spoke up in a warm tone, slight tears to her eyes as she just watched Matt and Keith talk away as its been a good couple years since they met after Keith becoming use to being both a sex toy for the company and Matt having no power to save him. 

It broke matt and it broke Keith to see matt break down when he couldn't protect him. Both making a silent agreement to never meet until they could look the other in the eye once again and Pidge did everything in her power to save her friend and bring him back to the life he wanted knowing he missed seeing her brother as much as her brother missed him.

"Maybe your right, its rather beautiful" Shiro whispered with a gentle smile as he looked at pidge, watching the joy and pure happiness fill her eyes as she got her childhood friend and brother to meet once again knowing both could smile to the other.

"Anyway, Shiro meet my big brother Matt and Matt meet my new work friend Shiro. We gonna be rather busy soon and I won't be able to do our two week meet up as much until we finished a new protect" Pidge smiled going back to her normal self and breaking Matt and Keith  up. 

"Wow, he good looking I don't like him and think you should fire him straight away" Matt replied amazed as he looked Shiro over the best he could while the sat.

"He an Alpha" Keith whispered as smiled and Matt glanced to his sister who nodded.

"Ah, so he going to have that promotion soon and leave anyway. Ok, well hope you enjoy unit 2 and look after my baby sister well" Matt smiled sweetly and reached over patting Shiro arm while Keith and Pidge chuckled.

"I don't plan on just taking a promotion given to me, I want to earn it threw hard work" Shiro replied with a friendly smile and Matt smile faded before he sat back down.

"Nope he not allowed to stay, get rid of him and I'll make sure the cops will never find the body by making fake leads. I won't allow such a decent guy near my sister" Matt huffed as he glared to Shiro who glanced to Pidge for help.

"He a good worker, I'm even training him" Pidge started to say with a proud smile and Matt glanced to Keith who nodded it was true.

"Oh I'm sorry man I didn't know you were trapped with demon controlling you, hold in there for a little longer. I'm sure someone will be able to take you under their wing soon and save you" Matt frowned, looking to shiro with pity in his eyes.

"Hey, I may be the demon of the company but I'm not a bad trainer" Pidge huffed back as she crossed her arms.

"Teaching shiro how you handle people is like giving him a death sentence, if he ever moves company or to another floor, then he'll be clearly screwed over how to handle work" Keith spoke up while Pidge rolled her eyes at him.

"I must admit, learning pidge way of working is tough but she gains respect in a way and I wish to be able to gain a person respect or trust by my hard work and heart then because of my second gender. I'm glad Pidge was chosen to my boss" Shiro spoke up with a gentle smile, honest eyes as the other three listened with their mouths open in show, Pidge cheeks slightly rosy but she'll blame it on the café being hot if asked. 

"Lets just eat before I fall for him next" Keith mumbled as he shakily looked away from Shiro, Matt just silently nodding and Pidge staying in shock while staring at Shiro.

"Did I say something wrong" Shiro asked with worry, Keith shaking his head.

"Just unexpected to hear such words from someone who met my sister. Please look after her well, I'll leave her in your hands just don't make her cry or I'll get Keith to help me kill you" Matt replied in a small voice, still stunned by shiro words. 

"I'll treat her well, she works hard for our unit and I know she can overwork herself. I'll hate to see herself end up in hospital with bad health just for helping me and the others out, I'll make sure to keep an eye out for her like she does for me" Shiro promised giving a soft smile to Matt who just nodded shakily.

"You broke pidge" Keith muttered with concern as Pidge still wasn't moving or talking yet, just staring at Shiro with her mouth open. 

"Well now she broken maybe she talk, what do you need to speak about sis and if you came to see me before the project I already know its bad. Tell me what I can do to help or at least what I need to know to keep an ear out" Matt asked as he leaned his elbows on the table, leaning forward with his hands laced together and looking directly at his sister. Matt was a pub owner, a small pub known as 'Rebel' but its rather famous and well he hears a lot by the good people and the bad type of people. He the best information broker in the city.

His Beta Boss (Shidge)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt