Chapter 6.

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"Oh pidgey, my wonderful little demon .. Have I got news for you" Lance grinned as he came walking into Unit 2 room, heading straight for where Pidge stood looking at James computer screen over his shoulder for some data he was looking up for the team.

"If its about that asshole telling other units on other floors not to give us a single helping hand making us look for files and data by hand .. then just don't or I will lost my shit towards you" Pidge replied in a warning tone, keeping her eyes on the screen while everyone else glanced to Lance hoping he had other news since Pidge was doing well to keep calm for now but was ready to lose it. 

"Nope but remember that ex, the one who started trying to get number after working with him and he thought you were an Alpha since you rule Unit 2" Lance started to say while Adam, Keith and James shared a worried glance.

"Lance, If you haven't enjoyed my mood swings after a break up not long after a person finds out I'm just a beta .. your gonna need another way of talking about my love life without them leaving me once knowing my second gender" Pidge sighed as she stood up turning to him and patting James shoulder to let him know she read it and he could keep going. 

"Oh right but this is the ex who you never even dated since you knew he was player just hoping to date an alpha who held power in hopes to swap companies. He planned to dump you once you got him in the company but after you flat out refused him on day one and told him you were a beta making him show his true colours and just leaving while cursing your name" Lance started to ramble while Keith and Adam shared a knowing look before Keith walked over placing a hand on his fated mate shoulder.

"Just pass the news before you bring back Pidge love life wrath" Keith sighed and Lance gave a small nod while Shiro and Curtis shared an unsure look while they just listened in as they looked over some files on Rolo and Nyma desks. 

"Anyway, he found his true love thanks to your flat out rejection and is having a happy ever after but he wanting to offer his thanks to you. Becuase if you didn't just flat out give up on playing nice over his bullshit and showed you didn't give a fuck over him or his dreams .. he would never have found his wife. But he works for the shoe company who boss seems to be with one of the guys Keith use to sleep with for our company business. He willing to set up a meeting with his boss to repay you, well more thank you for helping him find his now wife" Lance explained with a huge grin, looking like an excited child.

"Sounds good to me, when is it" Adam asked with a friendly smile.

"Today at 1" Lance smiled giving a thumbs up while the others froze.

"You do know its already twelve right now" Curtis asked and Lance tensed.

"Oh" Lance breathed out.

"Shiro with me, his friend a huge pervert for looks and well you've got them enough to make a nun drool" Pidge called out as she grabbed her phone from her desk while Shiro giving a slight embarrassed nod while standing. 

"We'll call once we out" Shiro slightly smiled and the others gave good luck smiles or just thumbs ups as the two rushed out. 

Pidge and Shiro talked a game plan while they ran to the car, freezing as they new the traffic would made them late for sure. Glancing around before Shiro grabbed Pidge hand, pulling her over to a g400c motorcycle parked out in the motorbike sections. 

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