Chapter 7

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7. You sure you want to do this?

Bloom Pov

We arrived at home, as the night sets in. Vanessa made us lunch while I was with Mike outside, I helped him with his fire clothing, to get it clean, I never knewed he is a fireman. I was shocked and happy knowing he is a person who cares about others. I also founded out Vanessa is a florist, she took me to her shop, and I saw flower, I've never seen before.

When she walked out, we three sit down at the stair looking at the stars.

You know what is very strange? I asked them as thry look at me.

No what? They asked me smiling

When I was younger, my mom used to tell me about all this constellations in the air for example, right over there. I told them showing to the stars. & it's called the sickness a swan and the southern cross. There are like thousands up there. I said smiling as I rembember it with my family, and I begin to cry slowly, all I did were feeling the tears run down my cheeks, while I smiled.

That's really cool. Vanessa said smiling as she and Mike saw my tears.

Yeah, dad used to say the, the southern cross is a path, it's sign to guided people, Daphne used to say, that's how she can find me, I always laughed even know, it's kinda weird looking at stars to find people. I told them laughing as they gentley followed.

Is Daphne is your sister? Vanessa asked me as I nodded smiling looking at her.

Yeah, she is always funny but, as I got older, I knew she did it to make me happy. I told them as I felt Vanessa putting her arms around my shoulder, as I lay onto her chest, I felt my tears escape my eye lits.

Suddenly Mike told us a storie, about when he was younger, it made me forget about all this and I couldn't help but smile, along with Vanessa, he told us about how his best friends and he, did tricks at school on the teachers.

It was so funny, until the food was ready we went in, and begin to eat.

Daphne Pov

We came back from the aquarium, I ran to the phone see if there are any messages but, there weren't. I felt sad, I wonder if Bloom is okay?

Daphne? I turned around and saw my mom and dad had made lunch, I went over to the table, as they tell me to go outside. We went outside to the huge balcon, and there was the food, outside. I smiled.

They opened the chair for me, and I sit down, I heard the birds flopping by, as it caught my eyes the stars.

And now? My father asked me

My mom and dad used to tell us stories about the constellations, and I used to tell Bloom I will find her with the southern cross. I did that to make her happy. I always knew she was so small to handle all this, I wanted to see that smile on her face.

Now, I can't even see it. I told as I began to cry, my mom rushed over to me and hugged me gentley.

We will find her. My father told me, as he came over and hugged me, I ate along with them, as my mom put me into bed, as I fought, I hope Bloom is save. They walked out, as I closed my eyes.

Bloom Pov

After we ate,   I was getting tired, Vanessa put me into bed, and gaved me a soft sweet kiss on my forehead while I kissed her cheek, I smiled at them, as they walked out, I look up to the roof and to the teddy bear they gave me.

As I think to myself, Daphne is with parents to make her happy and for them to feel happy, they seem like also caring people for her, and I know I will find her one day, and I want to make Mike and Vanessa happy, like they do for me at the moment, I feel save and happy, wonder if they would adopted me? As I closed my eyes.

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