Chapter 11

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11. Those is a decision...

Daphne Pov

I woked up smiling, I felt so happy. Bloom and I were laying together on her double bed. I smiled at her, it's so good to be with her again. I truly love her parents they both kissed us goodnight. Mine doesn't, they look afarid. I think it's because I'm older then Bloom, she needs more attention but, I love getting kissed goodnight.

Is it wrong that I think I love her family more then mine, but its because they are so busy, my mom has her job full of work as a private assistent and my dad have his own business, they are so busy. These of Bloom are so normal happily and caring.   Think I just need to give mine time, maybe they just don't know how but, I also love them much.

Other thing I love about them is you can share you're feelings with mine, are you a little to afraid but, they will listen.

Suddenly Bloom turn to me while she was sleeping I smiled that smile, it's mom's. That's how I knew she is close and my eyes daddies. I guess when we are together our parents aren't far.

I smiled at her, as I smell bacon down stairs. I decided to climb out gentley and leave Bloom, I slolwy open the door and close it.

I gentley look around and saw Mike and Vanessa door open, I slolwy went over and saw Vanessa in bed, she look like she was sleeping.

Hi dear.

Ahh! I yelled as I realize Bloom was sleeping.

I didn't mean to scare you. She said as I smiled

It's okay. I said smiling

You can come in? She replied as I slolwy walked in

Um thanks. I said

How did you sleep? She asked me

Great thanks. I replied smiling looking at her smiling

I'm glad. Where's Bloom? She asked me

She still sleeping...

Okay, you okay? She asked me, and I saw a worried tone

Um yeah, is uncle Mike down stairs? I asked slowly

Yes dear, he wanted to make breakfast before we go, I quess I need to stand up. She said laughing

I giggled. Vanessa?

Yes dear?

May I ask you something? I asked her

Anytime. She said smiling raising from bed as she make an area for me to sit next to her.

I slolwy walked to her, and sit next to her.

How come did you both adopted Bloom and me? I asked gently

Like I told Bloom, we were in accident when we were younger, I lost the change to have a baby. She replied smiling, she was smiling I would've freaked out

How did you feel about it? I asked slowly as she look away thinking

At first it was sad and fustraition that I never can have a life within but, when I met Mike he understood and I was glad he did. She said looking at me

And you're sister? I asked slowly

Same for her but, I used to see she took it hard that's how work keeps her away, I was afraid to adopt a child cause I knew I can't have that feeling,   luckily Bloom arrived and I'm glad she camed and I'm happy she has a sister. Why are you asking, is something wrong?

Um just asking. I replied slolwy wanting to know about my family

If anything is wrong you are always welcome to tell, my sister might be sometimes upside and hard to show feelings but, it was since the accident, she will work up to you believe me it took me 6 months. She said and I wonder

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