Chapter 8

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8. New friends.

It's a message, you can read. She told me handing me the phone, I smiled as I began to read it.p

&Vanessa, I've adopted a 10 year old girl, I will be in the park tommorrow with her after school, I hope I see you. Xoxo&

Who's that? I asked slolwy as I gave her, her phone back.

It's my sister. Vanessa told me with a smile.

You have a sister? I asked smiling looking at her as Mike nodded

Yes, she is only 2 years older then me but, we look further. She told us as she and Mike laughed, I smiled.

Wait! She adopted also a child, why? I asked slowly

Bloom, she was with me in the accident, I was more hurt then she but, we both can't have children.

What happened? I asked slowly raising my eyes

We were coming home after school, I was 12 and my sister 14, then we always took a sharp turn to get home. She stared as I saw Mike held her while she told me, I was half worried but, I kept listening

A car drove fastly by, it was so fast, my dad couldn't stop in time we collided, my parents got hurt, they were in a coma for 2 weeks but, were okay after, they did had a hard hit. She said, she was half smiling looking at me.

While my sister and I, the car sheets, pushed back and it paralyzed us, we both have been unconcius for 1 week, we had observations but, everything they did, they couldn't save us, the one with the feeling of having children, we both know it was meant to be, and both our husband's support us. She told me as I smiled at Mike, who held her smiling

I'm sorry, I shouldn't asks so much. I told them as they bith smiled at me

It's okay, you are still young. Vanessa told me as Mike nodded smiling

Daphne Pov

I woked up, suddenly I heard my mother run in along with my dad.

Daphne guess what? My mother yelled as I began to worry but, she was happy.

What? I asked worried looking at them.

They found Bloom, she is with a family, for the past 2 days, she is save and happy. Mam Meral know them. My mother told me.

Yes, she will send later their numbers for you. My dad said happily, as they sit next to me.

Your sister said &She loves you.& I smiled at what my mother said, i felt so happym i hugged them so tide.

Thank you! I cried happily.

I fall back onto te bed. I smiled as they hugged me, I hugged them back.

I'm feeling so relief right now. I told them as we laugh.

You can say that again. My dad said as we laughed again.

I smiled at I saw my parents sitting next to me. I hugged my mom.

Breakfast is ready you two. My dad said smiling as we both smiled.

Daphne, tommorrow you have school, just right here around the corner. My mother said as I fell to the bed.

School? Really? I asked annoyed she tickled me, as we went over to the kitchen we begin to ate.

Sorry honey, we all have school. She said as I smiled, they asked me yesterday to call them my parents, I am now their child, so I said it's okay. I liked it, they are really friendly and great, I feel save and so happy.

As the day past, we head to the shops. I got new school clothes and stuff. And I was ready for tommorrow.

Bloom Pov

We were talking until my dad realised we had breakfast down stairs, we laughed as he went down, I stayed by my mom. She climb out of bed, and got dressed.

We both talked and talked, when we were finished, I giuckky run into my new room, got dressed along with my mom sitting by me. We went down and ate breakfast.

As the day past, we head to the shops. I got new school clothes and stuff. And I was ready for tommorrow.

Normal Pov

The next morning

Daphne and Bloom have been woked up early and they both arrived at school, the bell rang and classes began.

Bloom Pov

I walked into my class, I saw all the kids getting a sheet, and I was told to wait. I saw a chair open by the corner next to a blond girl.

Good morning class, we have a new student &Bloom!& She will be sitting next to Stella Solaria, Stella raise you're arm please. All was happy and smiling at me.

I saw that same girl raise her arms. I went to her as I sit next to her.

Hello! I'm Tecna. The girl in front of her told me.

Musa here! The girls told me on my right.

Aisha! And this is Flora. The girl infront of her said and pointing to the one infront of me.

Hi! I said slowly smiling at them.

I'm Stella the most fashionable princess.

Stella, we know you for the whole year now, your not a princess. Musa cried slapping her head onto the table, which I laughed.

Yeah, all I know I you're a trouble maker. Tecna said as she and we laughed.

How come? I asked smiling

1. She blowed the school up. Flora told me, turning to me.

Yeah for a shade of pink? Aisha mumbled

You did what!? I yelled looking at her.

I want to create a color. Stella yelled fisting her hand slowly as we laugh.

2. Yesterday we all got in trouble for not taking class because of her. Tecna yelled

And I got into trouble by my parents. Aisha yelled

I did say I'm sorry. Stella told slolwy as I smiled.

So how old are you Bloom? Aisha asked me with a smile

Yeah, it's am little late to begin school, it's in the middle of the school year. Flora asked me and I smiled

I'm adopted, I wasn't in a school my whole life. I told tyem as they look at each

Oh so sorry. All 5 yelled as I smiled

It's okay, I am just knew with all this stuff. I told them.

Well, then we are going to show you all about it. Tecna and Musa told at the same time.

You're not going to get me into trouble right? I asked beginning to worry

Daphne Pov

I walked into my class, my teacher smiled at me.

Everyone we have a new student &Daphne!& I slightly smiled, all the kids smiled at me and waved.

Daphne you can sit next to Politea, and the corner on the left. I smiled walking to her.

Hi Daphne. Good to meet you. I'm Politea. She said smiling at me.

Hi Politea. I saod with a smile

Wait! Isn't this late to start a new school year? She asked me and I   smiled

I'm new, I'm adopted. Normally we have a school at the orphanage. I told her with a smile

I didn't mean to sound rude. She said slowly

It's okay you weren't. I said smiling as she followed

I will show you all you need to know. She told me as we both smiled

Till next chapter, Politea is nice in this book don't worry. And I'm not sure if Vanessa had a sister but, it's all made up ;D   And what do you think? Review and vote. Thanks.

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