Euphoria (poem 19)

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Euphoria was the feeling I felt

when you asked me out

after I waited so long.

Euphoria was the feeling

when we first held hands,

a subtle tingle forming

and then vanishing

as quickly as it came.

Euphoria was the feeling

when we first kissed,

an electric current

shooting through my whole body.

I remember going back home

and dancing around my room

with a huge grin stuck on my face.

But now,

all I feel when I think about you-

When I think about us-

is misery and sadness.

You took everything of yours

when you left,

but you didn't take all the memories,

the good times we had,

the "I love yous" said,

or the feeling of your lips on mine.

You left me,

but the memories of you remain,

and I know,

that you're never coming back.

Ever again.

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