Focus On The Texture (poem 30)

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"Focus on the texture,"

they told me.

So I did.

I focused on the texture.

The texture of the things surrounding me,

to calm myself.

To rid myself of my anxiety.

They always said

that focusing on texture,

helps calm you.

But it didn't calm me.

I tried everything,

to stop that panic attack from rising,

but nothing helped.

So I gave up.


my eyes would threaten to close,

aching for sleep.

This anxiety tired me.

I didn't like it.

Not one bit.

"Focus on the texture,"

they said again.

I just shook my head

and smiled sadly.

"I can't..."

I whispered,

a tear escaping my eye.

I let it fall,

my hands shaking,

as the panic attack came.

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't think.

I couldn't do anything.

I just stood there.

Stare blank,

as I tried to focus on the texture.

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