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Harassment warning.
He runs for you.
You start running too.
You get to a door and try to open it but he gets to you before you can open it.
"Here" he says, opening it and shoving you through.
You trip and fall over.
"What do you want?"
"You" he smiles.
You shuffle back slowly as he steps forward.
Then your head hits a wall, it doesn't hurt it was just a tap.
You straighten your back up the wall, pulling your legs up too.
He kneels.
"Kylo hasn't treated you right" he sighs.
You swallow.
"It's a shame to see" he sighs again, then he puts his fingers under your chin.
You wince.
"He's really gotten to you" he says.
"Why am I so special?"
"The only female on this ship, that isn't boring" he says.
"Hes so controlling, he doesn't deserve you y/n" he says, his head tilting forward.
"So don't love him, love me" he says.
You shake your head.
"You will love me"
You shake your head more.
"i cant and won't" you say.
"You will" he growls.
You kick him, he holds his leg.
You get up and try to run.
"I think not" he says, he grabs your ankle and you fall.
"ow" you yell.
He pulls you across the floor and to him.
"I tried being gentle and nice, you didnt obey"
"I don't take orders from you" you say trying to pull against him.
He flips you over, holding your waist with one hand.
You turn your head away from him, panting.
"I'll show him who you belong to" he pulls the side of your cloak down to reveal your neck.
"Please don't" you say, trying to push his face away.
"Oh but I will"
"Kylo will get angry" you say.
"I know"
"LET ME GO" You yell, squirming out of his grasp.
"No" he says angrily.
"Be quiet" he says, covering your mouth.
He leans down to your neck and kisses it roughly, then he bites your neck.
You scream into his hand.

"Where is she?" kylo grumbles to himself angrily.
He turns and walks out, he hears screaming in the distance.
He knew it was feminine.
He starts to run in the direction, it gets louder.
Back to you.
He bites down harder.
You bite his hand making him yell ow.
You hear footsteps.
He grins slightly, biting down once more before standing up.
He kicks your side, making you wince.
"Do not disobey me" he says as the door opens.
Kylo runs in, stormtroopers grab hux hostage.
You exhale loudly as you struggle to get up.
Kylo helps you up forcefully, you drop slightly at the quickness of it.
He holds your head to his chest and looks down at you, you reached to under his chest so he could consume you in his arms.
He looks up, pushes you aside, you fall in pain.
Your ribs hurt.
"What did you do?" yells kylo angrily.
"Nothing" he says back, angrily.
"Obviously not" kylo replies.
"WHAT DID YOU DO" he yells.
"ask her, she started-"
Kylo pulls out his lightsaber from the belt.
He clicks and button and a red beam shoots out of it.
Now you knew why it was dangerous.
"Tell me" kylo yells.
You struggle up onto your feet and walk to him. Hux looks at you, Kylos eyes direct to you as well.
"Dont" you say, raspy.
Kylo moves the lightsaber back.
You put a hand on his side to balance yourself, you use the hand that was on your rib to reach for that arm.
He turns it off as you get closer.
He slots it back and pulls you close.
You wince.
"I will deal with you later" he growls, he lifts you up.
You groan in pain as he walks out of the room.

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