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Your eyes were sore from crying, your crying had turned into sobs. You were lay still on the floor. Hux had been right, kylo hadn't showed up. You didn't want to be here anymore but your body was weak. You could barely move and he would catch you.
You had no other choice but to try. You roll into your stomach, your heart was pounding in your head.
You stand up slowly, steadying yourself on the window. You look at the reflection, cuts and bruises covered you.
You slowly walk to the door and open it. You head to the lean on the walls.

A lot of time had passed and you weren't far away from his room. If he were to catch you you would scream, it would drain you but you had no choice.

You turn the 5th corner. Then you hear an echo.
"Y/N!" Hux yells, your heart beats faster in your head. You start to hyperventilate.
You hear loud footsteps, great.
You turn your head.
This was it. You would keep going until he got you.
"Get yourself back here darling"
You feel sick.
Soon his arms wrap around you tight.
"HELP" you scream at the top of your lungs.
He covers your mouth, you just flop down.

Kylos pov

I walk out of headquarters. Where could she possibly be?
If she didn't want to be here, with me, she would of left ages ago.
I head to my room. I had storm troopers pacing constantly. Surely she would be somewhere on this ship. Right?

I slam the door open and take my helmet off. I try steadying my breathing, I've had enough of this. I turn and smash my helmet against the wall, another dent to many. I sigh and fall to my knees, I haven't slept in the past 2 weeks since she has been gone.
I'm exhausted. I rest my head on the wall.
"Where are you y/n?" I mutter. I didn't usually cry but I felt tears form. Soon they drop down my face.
Finally I find someone I love, and they get taken away from me.
I hear a faint scream. That sounded like y/n. I wipe my face and put my helmet on. I didn't care if I was hearing things, i was going to be sure.

I order stormtroopers to take each side of the ship. I'm finding her myself if I have to. Until then I won't rest. What if she was dead? My heart races at the thought.

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