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He didn't seem too pleased to have found you, all he seemed to have said was your better' or to be careful. Which shows slight care but not as much as you had missed him.

"What's wrong y/n?" He asks, sliding his helmet onto his head as the door shuts behind you. "Nothing" you mumble, limping past him as he stops in his tracks.
You turn and look at him slowly.
"Tell me"
"It's nothing, really..." you mumble.
"You know how I feel about mumbling"
You shrug , turn around and keep limping.
You feel him grab your wrist, you jump and wince.
Kylo let's your wrist go slowly, stepping away.
"I'm sorry" you say quietly, scared to look up at him.
He stays quiet and keeps walking.
You limp slowly, he turns around and lets out a deep breath.
You look up at him, where his eyes normally are.
"Come on" he says finally.
You limp slowly, to him. You reach slowly and grab his arm.

He opens the door, Hux turns and looks at you.
You feel yourself breaking down, he had a black eye and a massive cut down his face.
You look up at kylo, who holds you tight to his side. You wince .
"I already said, don't stare at her or else" kylo warns.
"I'm just looking"
You get whipped forward, holding onto kylos arm as he storms at him.
"Considering your current circumstances I would be careful with that you say to me"
Your heart beats louder, kylo was terrifying. And he knew it.
Hux huffs and turns around.
You try pushing his arm down and away.
"Oh sorry" kylo says, realising.
You lean against him and catch your breath back, your heart beat slowing.
He puts a hand on your back, you jump forward into him, doing a massive wince as your face hits his chest.
"See" kylo growls.
Hux turns his head.
"You have damaged her"
"She was already damaged" hux grumbles.
Kylo grabs your side out of anger.
You scream.
Kylo rubs your back gently with his finger tips, hux gets taken away by the storm troopers.
"I will have to deal with him later" he mutters.
He looks down at you, nodding his head to the door.
"Let's go back, I don't want to be here anymore" he says.

Kylo Ren X Y/N Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now