Part 3

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Y/n's POV
Lena and I were watching Louies life because he's really funny. We were laughing like crackheads.

Y/n: I can't with him I gotta go pee now
Lena: go cause I gotta go after too

We just laughed even harder. I ran out of the room to the bathroom. Once I was done doing bathroom things I washed my hands obviously I'm not dirty.
I walked back to my room and sat down.

Lena: finally you're back I gotta pee
Y/n: oh sorry
Lena: it's okay brb
Y/n: mhm
I looked at my phone and was literally about to die.

LENA: omg bitch wtf I was pissing
Y/n: look

I turned the phone to her that showed @mattiapolibio started following you
She looked at me then at the phone than at me again

Lena: you're fucking lying let me see
I laughed and said
Y/n: I'm not
Lena: ooooooo mattia likes you
Y/n: stop playing with me he probably did it by accident
Lena: no it's because I tagged him on your post
Y/n: whatever let's watch YouTube
Lena: ok

*2 hours later*

Lena had to go home and had to leave which left me just starring at tiktoks. I was so bored. I turned off my phone and put it beside me. I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I just grabbed some cheese puffs and walked back upstairs. There was nothing to do besides tiktok so I did one.

Mattia's POV
I was sitting on my chair doing my biology homework debating on if I should text y/n on insta or not. She is so cute and I can't get her out of my head. Fuck it I'm just gonna text her

Y/n's POV
I was on my laptop just doing some homework for school which was tomorrow. (Y/n is in 8th grade btw) I looked over at my phone and saw mattia had texted me on instagram. I was so nervous to open it but I'm not just going to ignore it so ofc I opened it.
It read



nothing just some homework for school


I'm bored wanna ft


Omg this was really happening I was about to FaceTime mattia. I quickly fix my hair and sat up straight. I didn't want to look like a fucking slug
He called me and I answered smiling like a dumbass but lucky for me he was smiling too

Mattia: heyyy baby
Y/n: hey Dino
Mattia: wtf that's my nickname now
Y/n: well why tf not you called me baby
Mattia: fine only for you baby
Y/n: wow anyways what do you want to do
Mattia: you
Y/n: ew you're weird 😂
Mattia: I think the word you're looking for is freaky
Y/n: omg stop
I was already blushing like crazy. I turned the other way so he wouldn't see me through the camera.
Mattia: you're cute
Y/n: whatever but fr what you wanna do
Mattia: I wanna know more about you
Y/n: okay like what?
Mattia: well how old are you
Y/n: 13
Mattia: wow that's young
Y/n: yeah I know I'm sorry I should probably go now
Mattia: wait no don't leave I'm sorry that came out wrong please just don't leave I wanna talk to you
Y/n: uh ok
Mattia: so what's your favorite color
Y/n: purple
Mattia: favorite food?
Y/n: any pasta obviously I'm Italian Mexican
Mattia: wait you're Italian Mexican
Y/n: yup
Mattia: same
Y/n: Ik
Mattia: where are you from
Y/n: Houston Texas
Me and mattia were just talking and he kept asking me questions and ofc I answered all of them. He was really sweet and was really funny.

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