Part 5

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The bell rang for last class to end. Me and Lena packed our backpacks and walked out the classroom. Our last class for today was Biotech which was pretty chill Because he doesn't assign us a lot of work.

Lena: I can't fucking wait till summer

Y/n: same, what do you wanna do today

Lena: let's go to the park I wanna go on the swings

Y/n: okay my mom's  picking us up btw because my dad has to work extra time today.

Lena: fine with me as long as we get to leave this ugly ass school

Y/n: ha ikr Everyone here stinks

Lena: well except us because we shower. Unlike some people

Lena said glaring at Kassandra and her minions. I'm Who were taking selfie's for Snap.

Y/n: oh my mom's here let's go

Lena: ok

You're mom drove you and Lena to your house so that you two could change to go to the park. (Yes Lena has clothes at y/n's house so don't worry).

*Mattia's POV*
rn I'm at Kai's house with him and ale. I was just watching tiktok when ale spoke up

Ale: so what's going on with you and that girl

Kairi: what girl??

Mattia: first of all her names y/n and she's just a girl tha-

Ale: that's a fan but mattia thinks she's cute even after he posted his YouTube video yesterday saying he would never date a fan

Ale says out of breath. What's wrong with thinking a fan is cute? I really don't understand

Kairi: oh where's she from

Mattia: Houston Texas

Kairi: aren't we gonna go there during boys of summer

Ale: yup

Kairi: so have you talked to her yet

Mattia: yeah we actually FaceTimed yesterday

Ale: oooo what did y'all talk about

Mattia: nothing much I asked her questions so like I can get to know her

Kairi: so then what did she say

Mattia: well she's 13 and is gonna turn 14 May 21. From Houston Texas. She lives with her mom and dad and her 3 siblings. 2 brothers and one sister. gonna be a freshmen next year and she does tiktok ofc. Her favorite food is fettuccine chicken Alfredo
Which makes sense cause she's Mexican Italian too. And her favorite color is purple and pink

Ale: woah she told you all that on FaceTime

Mattia: mhm

Kairi: wait she's 13 that means she's the same age as alvaro's sister

Mattia: not exactly Anna is one year older

Ale: wait doesn't Anna like you

Mattia: wtf no why would you say that it's weird

Kairi: well because Gianmarco told Ale Ik and he told me

Mattia: well that doesn't matter because she's in Florida now so.....

A/n: yup Anna is gonna like mattia in here🤭
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