Part 8

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After awhile of joking around on FaceTime. We decided to hang up because it was getting late. Lena knocked out on my bed so I just layed next to her and put the blanket over us. I went on tiktok for sometime until Lena started kicking. Dang this girl is strong. I just scooted more to the other end of the bed and turned my phone off. My eyes slowly started to shut and before I new it, I was asleep.

*next morning*

Lena: y/n wake up you're parents are calling you

She said jumping up and down on my bed.

Y/n: ok ok I'm awake

I said getting up and looking at myself in the mirror. omg.... I'm still ugly. Anyways, I walked down stairs to find my parents waiting for me in the kitchen.

Mom: y/n we need to tell you something

y/n: okay

Dad: well yk the company that I work for is laying me off and also we've always talked about wanting to move to New York

Y/n: mhm

Mom: well it's really expensive to live their but the closes place is New Jersey and we are thinking of moving there

Dad: well not really thinking of doing it but we are planning on moving in 2 weeks and I already found a job there

Y/n: wait but what about me and Lena I don't wanna be apart from her

Mom: yes I know and I already talked to her mother about. It and she said it is okay with her if we take her with us to New Jersey

Y/n: omg yes yes yes thank you guys so much I love you

I quickly ran upstairs to my room and saw Lena sitting on my bed smiling and waiting

Y/n: guess what

Lena: y/n you know I'm slow just tell me

Y/n: I'm moving to New Jersey and you are coming with us

Lena: yeah Ik

She then began to laugh

Lena: my mom told my yesterday I can't wait

Y/n: same plus

Welp we're moving to New Jersey kids
Let's go🚗🚗

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