Cryptic Messages pt. 1

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Cryptic messages- pt.1

Faith woke up to the sound of thunder and rain. She opens her window to let what's left of the moonlight fill her room. She took a deep breath and the her phone went off.

She lets it ring out waiting and counting the seconds

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She lets it ring out waiting and counting the seconds. It felt like it rang for twenty minutes, when it only rang for about five. She goes through the messages left by the others. Never responding as usual.
She got up from her desk and went to her bed. Where she just fell asleep again.

She didn't wake up, again, till later that day at around five pm. Faith changed into a more comfortable outfit and went to watch tv. Sat there for about an hour until her phone started ringing again. She answered it only for it to be a angry Latina named Cassia. She instantly hung up.

Faith Kogane, was known as a loner

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Faith Kogane, was known as a loner. People normally though of her as cold and heartless. She seemed oblivious to the more recent trends and never seemed to go insane for Instagram or any of those social media platforms. Faith he focused her time and efforts on space and trying to really learn what she must about herself.
Faith had her group. It consisted of Chase, Cassia, Kayla, Lizzy, Levi, and of course Athena. She had a unique relationship with everyone in this group.  They where considered the family she never had. Faith never knew her mother, she grew up with her dad. However, he was barely around at some points. Her dad, Keith Kogane, passed away around Faiths 16th birthday. She never talked about him since.

She could never handle conflict properly and was known for her short fuse, and height. Faith had the strength and knowledge to get far but she let herself drift. She let herself slowly separate from society and those she was closest to. Until it reached a point that she never left her house, that days and months went by, and never talked to them.

Her "sister" was concerned by her behavior especially recently. She hated being ignored but she hated the idea of Faith doing something... regretful. She tried her best to check up on her, and even if Faith never responded and left her on read it worked. The big thing is that Cassia never found out why exactly she decided to drift now of all times.

Faith was dating Athena, the two girls where very happy. Kayla and Faith where starting to get along slightly. Chase was supportive of Faith and stayed up with her on calls for whatever reason. Levi helped Faith relax with some casual story and Lizzy was just cookie heaven for Faith. It seemed that things where good. So why leave it all behind now....
That was the question on their minds

And the answer was hidden in just one message....

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