The Past in The Future pt.1

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She woke up and looked around. She threw on the gray jacket with the NASA logo on the side. She fixed her hair slightly and then threw on her shoes. She walked to her bed side and pulled out a box, she opened it.

The girl grabs the device sitting inside the box

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The girl grabs the device sitting inside the box. She unlocks it using the old passcode and scrolls through old photos and videos until she lands on the very last video. She taps it and watches it. After five minutes she put the device down back in the box covering it with the red jacket with the yellow stripes. (Keith's jacket)

"Good morning Faith," Athena says walking into the room and hugging Faith.
"Morning Athena," Faith said," how are you?"
"I'm doing better then before thanks to you. How are you?" Athena asks wanting to be just as helpful as Faith was to her. At least as emotionally helpful.
"I'm doing fine. Is everyone waiting for me?" Faith asks.
"Nope. They are waiting for Kayla and Chase to. I wonder what they did." Athena says trying to think of it.
"They probably stayed up watching Disney movies again," Faith says rolling her eyes.
"I wanna do that one day!" Athena says excited by the idea.
"Sure... why not." Faith says shrugging.
"Let's go eat, I'm hungry," Athena says grabbing onto Faiths hand. Faith blushed slightly and the quickly took control of it before they arrived at the table.

"Morning Faith," Cassia says waving at her sister.
"Morning emo!" Kayla shouts from across the hallway.
"Shut the fuck up Kayla..." Faith says rolling her eyes. The rest of the morning continued like this. Fighting amongst the paladins, jokes, stupid things. Pure chaos as always.

Faith finished her food and went to get up only to realize she never had let go of Athenas hand

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Faith finished her food and went to get up only to realize she never had let go of Athenas hand. She slowly pulls away and takes her dish to the kitchen to be somewhat helpful. Then she went back to her room to answer a call from the BOM.
She listens to what they have to say and then changes into the BOM gear. Not even a few minutes later, she left the castle without telling anyone. She thought this was gonna be quick. Hours pass, Faith didn't return. Then soon enough, hours turn into days, and days turn into weeks.

 Then soon enough, hours turn into days, and days turn into weeks

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After five weeks, she calls the other paladins at the BOM base.
"Faith! Why the fuck did you just disappear! You had us all worried!" Cassia looked upset. Faith didn't care.
"They had an emergency and since we didn't have anything I went to help them, I didn't expect it to take as long as it is," Faith says and takes a breath. "Anyway, I won't be coming back for another week or so. I'm sorry, but I have to do this," Faith says quickly realizing she has to leave soon.
"Be careful, I'll take care of them for you." Cassia said trying to keep calm with the current situation.
"Don't act, get mad at me when you want to Asshole. Anyway, I have to go. Bye..." Faith ends the transmission. 


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