You Promised pt.2 💔

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Faith was in the control room. She was going over some coordinates she was given from the others. All of them where Galra bases, and of course Faith was one the only people who could actually access their systems without getting caught.

Her whole life Faith was able to read things in Galra easier then reading normal writing. Keith had caught on to it fast and did his best to help, without giving away the truth. Growing up was a struggle mostly for Keith as he tried his best to make sure nobody told Faith the truth. He told nobody, but Shiro and Cassia about her.

With all the secrets being kept and things going almost according to plan. Faith never found out about her Galra side. So she never understood why she understood their language so easily. She just didn't know. It annoyed her but she used it to her advantage most times.

However, it all came crumbling down when she and Cassia went on their last mission. Faith had returned upset and avoided everyone, including Cassia, the whole time. Neither of them told the others what happened. After the mission Faith learned what she wish she never learned. That she was part Galra, and that her dad and Cassia has been lying to her since she was a kid. She always worked alone and trusted nobody, and now she regretted opening up again.

Athena and the others got to the control room at their usual time. Faith was still working being silent as always.
"Hey Faith? You gonna tell us what you got?" Chase asked.
"In a moment..." Faith said and then slid her screen over for them all to see. She explained the bases and what they all held and what not. Then she got up and started to leave.
"Faith why are you distant?" Lizzy asked. "One moment it felt like you really where a part of our team. Like you cared about us, and now... now your just gone." She continued. "I just want to see everyone go back to the way things where. I don't like seeing you and Cassia fight like you both have been, it's affecting us all." She finished.
"We are here to listen Faith, but it's you who has to trust us enough to Rome we that we would never judge you." Chase joined in now.
"Come on emo. I wanna be able to tease you again. I'm bored and need an outlet." Kayla said trying her best to not show how much she actually cared. (Rivals bro what you gonna do with them)

"Thanks for the offer, but I don't trust that at all." Faith said looking at them in the eye for the first time in a while. "If I really explained what's going on I feel like I would regret it immediately." Faith said trying to walk away, but being held back by Athena.
"Faith please... I want you to be okay, I promise no matter what. Nobody will judge you, nobody will hate you." Athena said. Cassia walked into the room.

Cassia looks at Faith who was obviously upset by everyone questioning her.
"Let her go. If she doesn't want to talk so be it," Cassia said.
"Cassia why don't you fucking stay away from this situation! I don't need help from a lying bitch like you!" Faith pulls her arm away and looks at Cassia dead in the eye. "You told me you'd never lie to me! But you did Cassia! You kept the truth away from me for who knows how long! I HATE YOU!" Faith screamed and then stormed away. Cassia looked at the ground, she had nothing to say.

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