Chapter One

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"Junior hurry up!", My dad Andre yelled at Junior. While I sat back and chilled waiting for him to arrive downstairs.

"I'm coming dad.", Junior said as he turned the corner his project came tumbling down the stairs. Luckily my dad caught it before it turned into tiny particles.

"Thanks dad", junior said getting the project out my dad hands. I rolled my eyes.

"I have places to go and people to meet. Make it snappy. ", I said opening the door and walking outside into the Early December weather. While sending a snap chat to my Bestfriend " Shayla".

When we finally arrived at school. Junior needed help with carrying his model of some grassland area. As I walked outside the school, since the different parts of the school isn't in the same building yet separated. Everyone greeted me even people, I never seen a day in my life.

"Hey London"

"Hey Amerie"

"Hey Jessica"

"Hey Nicole"

"how come you know the whole school and your brother doesn't know anyone?", my dad asked me as he lifted up Junior project higher.

"Because I'm pretty, cool, and black", I said flipping my hair.

"Well I want you to make your brother to be popular too", my dad said strictly.

"Ugh.. Yes, Sir", I said aggravated.

** Junior in link **

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