Planning (part 2)

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hahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahhahhaa im a terrible author. im sORRY. This isn't even a full chapter ffs this is just a continuation of the last one so its only 3k words. The next chapter will come out who knows when,,, im not even promising things anymore just accept slow updates. Theres only a few chapters left of this but one thing i will promise is that I WILL finish this. At some point or another, I WILL complete one story in my goddamn life. It's quarantine what better time to try. so anyways enjoy!


"Thank you for meeting here today, everyone." Angella said. "We are here to discuss final preparations for overthrowing the Horde once and for all."

“As you all know, Scorpia has been sent to the Fright Zone as a rebel spy. I have yet to hear the outcome of this mission. Scorpia?” Angella gestured to Scorpia to talk.

“Oh! Well, uh, I went there and I almost got caught, but I didn’t! Thanks to my super fast thinking skills! Anyways, I kinda panicked and told Shadow Weaver I’d bring Adora back because she hadn’t gotten her memory back and still viewed the princesses as a threat and wanted to come back home more than anything. To be sure I was telling the truth, I promised I’d bring Adora in the next few days…”

There was a brief moment of silence before the Queen spoke up. “Oh. So we must hurry then.”

“You think it’s a good plan?” Glimmer asked hesitantly, eyeing Catra who was sitting slumped down in a chair with her arms folded over her chest.

“Yes, I do.” Angella said. “It is the only plan we have gotten in a very long time and I do believe with the help of our newest recruits, we can make this work. We must.”

Adora and Glimmer looked at each other and half smiled. Catra hadn’t had any reaction. It was clear that she still didn’t fully agree with this idea.

“So, what will Adora be doing while at the Fright Zone?” Angella asked openly. No one answered at first, still not completely sure of themselves.

“Uhm, well, we were thinking that she could pretend to fight on their side until we could set up an ambush.” Perfuma started. 

“Or she could just kinda mess stuff up, while not actually doing much.” Mermista continued, reiterating the plans they had come up with the night prior.

“She could mess with their tech!” Entrapta said excitedly.

“And stop the Black Garnet from being rebuilt!” Bow added.

“I could set a distraction to allow you all to come in without them realizing so that they would be completely unprepared for an attack.” Adora said.

“A sabotage mission. That might just work.” Glimmer’s mom said.

“Might?” Glimmer added. “It will work. We’ll make sure it works, right Adora?” The princess She-Ra nodded determinedly. 

“Alright, dear. Now, what is our plan of attack?”

“Surprise attack!” Frosta shouted.

“Take down Shadow Weaver. For good.” Everyone looked over at the source of this idea. This was the first thing Catra had said the whole time since the night before. She hadn’t even said a word to Adora after they had gone to their rooms to go to sleep.

Catra didn’t cower at the attention this time. “We take down Shadow Weaver, and Hordak, for good. That’s how we win.” She continued with a very serious tone. It was obvious she wanted revenge for everything that had happened to her while in the Horde. And right now, that was as good a reason as any to try and defeat them.

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