Chapter 17

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She woke up that fateful morning overwhelmed by a restless feeling of impending doom. The unsettling worry masked her beautiful features leaving lines burrowed deep in the slightly misshapen face. Adamu sensing her unease while getting ready for work suddenly turned to her and inquired

-Sekina what is wrong with you, is everything ok? he inquired a questioning but concerned look masking his face

She turned to him making an effort at a half smile as she folded Adamu's jtf uniform into his bag

-I am okay my husband just a bit tired. She answered.

Still not convinced but nevertheless pressed for time, Adamu quickly glanced at his wrist watch, paused in contemplation for a few seconds then straightened up.

-you know that Amariya dress you asked for, I will help you buy it on my way back from Ngamdu town later in the day.

She smiled and jumped into his arms, as Adamu smiled indulgently glad to have brought a smile to her face with his promised purchase of the fabric all the young girls in the village had been pining for as the latest fashion. He quickly rushed his breakfast and grabbed the bag housing his volunteer uniform and work documents, as he headed out of the door he opened the door and looked back at her

--I will be a bit late today as we have to accompany the Army to patrol some hamlets near the Chadean border he explained to his wife.

She nodded still overwhelmed by excitement at the Amariya fabric he was buying her. As he walked off in the distance Sekinat shouted after him

-Please be careful, take care of yourself and don't stay too long, you know the children will miss you.

He waved his hand in acknowledgement as he sauntered off in the distance.

Sekinatstood by the doorway looking on after him, a half smile playing on her lips as sheconsidered her good fortune. She was thankful for the kind and loving husbandshe had been blessed with and with that realisation, came acold feeling of unease creeping back up on her even more strongly now.

Her husband did not return home that day, which was uncharacteristic of him. In a blind panic she rushed all over the town looking for him at his favourite haunts, friends house until she finally got to the Civilian JTF makeshift office straddling their Local Government secretariat in the centre of town.

As she arrived there she met a group of people many whom she knew or simply recognised around their community. They all looked sad and downcast, as they discussed in hushed tones amongst themselves. A lady sighted her coming towards them and hastily wiped her tear stained eyes quickly averting her gaze, others solemnly nodded while many just looked on with blood shot eyes saying nothing.

Anxious but fearful at the strange scenario she had met, she hurried into the makeshift office. As she knocked and stepped inside the sparsely furnished office, she met her husband's immediate superior amidst some commissioned army officers and others she did not recognise huddled together deep in conversation.

Her husband's superior officer stood up as soon as he sighted her and approached, counting beads from the long 'tesubiu' he clutched in his right hand with the other hand stroking his long grey beard.

Before Sekinat could ask any questions, he looked her straight in the eye

-Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un..We belong to God and unto him do we return my daughter he intoned quoting a verse in the Quran

Pls take heart. He repeated with a sigh each time, as he held Sekinat's hands in his.

Adamu had been one of 31 people who had lost their lives in a Boko Haram ambush on the joint military exercise he had been involved in.

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