Part 1

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If you asked Quinn how she got into their current situation, she would have absolutely no clue. It was a mystery. A mystery that left Quinn almost speechless.

Straight out of University, she moved to Chelsea which is just far enough away from Ireland to make her feel at ease. Being back in Ireland for the first time a year, Quinn did not expect to be at a crowded pub with almost everyone she went to secondary with. It was giving her the biggest headache of her life.

"This is insane," Quinn muttered, grabbing her glass of wine off of the bar. She'd already ran into three people who it would have been better not to have seen them.

"God, I know," Poppy agreed, shaking her head as she picked up her own drink. "I had no idea there'd be so many people here. Does everyone still live here? I am appalled."

"I too am appalled," Quinn chuckled. "But holy shit is that-"

"Niall?" Poppy cut her off, mouth agape. "He looks...."

"Fucking good," Evie finished her sentence, leaning on the bar beside Quinn. "Hey can I have a Guinness please?"

"I had no idea he'd filled out like that," Quinn mumbled, eyes focused on the way Niall was leaning against the wall, one foot crossed over the other. He was talking with Shawn, scratching at his jaw. He erupted into laughter, throwing his head forward. Quinn could barely tear her eyes away.

"He's like a proper man now," Evie announced once she finally had a drink in her hand. "He's a lawyer. I heard he was in Manchester for a minute but I think he's in New Kensington or something."

"Oh that is not good," Quinn chuckled, shaking her head.

"Why?" Poppy asked with a laugh. "I think you'd look good with him."

"That's the problem," Quinn exclaimed, laughing. "I was fancied him our last year in secondary. I remember he was just so funny. And athletic oh my god."

"Is that why you drug us to all those footie matches!" Poppy exclaimed. "In the pouring rain! Freezing cold!"

"You little shit!" Evie added, laughing. "How did we not know?"

"I was a good secret keeper," Quinn shrugged, concealing her smile behind her glass.

Quinn let her eyes travel back over to Niall and Shawn. Shawn was whispering something into Niall's ear. Niall's lips spread into a wide smile and he shook his head. Shawn laughed too, nodding. Before Quinn could look away, Niall's eyes met hers. Her cheeks flushed immediately. Quinn smiled, looking away.

"I just made eye contact what do I do," Quinn gritted out through a smile.

"He is coming this way so you better decide fast," Poppy whispered, snatching her own drink up. She pushed Evie and they seamlessly walked away leaving Quinn there despite her glare.

"Quinn?" Niall asked, eyebrows furrowed. He had a wide smile on his face which did nothing to help her relax.

"Hey," Quinn smiled.

Niall pulled her in to a tight hug, squeezing her waist. "How are you? I barely recognized you. You look so grown up."

Quinn laughed as they pulled away. "Im good how are you?"

"Good," Niall chuckled. "Where're you at now?"

"Chelsea," Quinn nodded. "Moved out there about six months ago. I work at the natural history museum in South Kensingotn."

"No way!" Niall exclaimed. "My office is in Chelsea."

"Really?" Quinn inquired. "Where do you work?"

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