Chapter Twenty-Five

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I couldn't open my eyes yet, but I could feel myself laying on my back upon something soft. Cool air passed over my skin, which no longer burned or crinkled like wax paper.

The air smelt clean and sterile. A scent I knew well.

I breathed in deeply, my lungs welcoming the air rather than searing in pain. It almost felt like they were brand new.

It took some effort, but I managed to lift my right eyelid, which was soon followed by my left. The natural light in the room was nearly blinding, as if I'd been living in a dark cave for weeks. The room soon came into clear focus and I realized that I was in a hospital room.

Was this what heaven looked like?

A male figure in a blue shirt stood with his back turned a few feet away. He held a tablet in hand and his nimble fingers worked quickly across its surface. I wanted to reach out to him, so that I could get his attention but I found that my arms would not comply. I swallowed deeply, feeling every muscle in my throat contract.

"Hey..." I tried, my voice hardly louder than a squeak.

The figure's fingers came to a pause as they hovered just over the screen of the tablet. The figure then turned and at first, I didn't recognize the brown haired southern doctor.

Why was Bones in heaven?

"Ferris?" Bones asked, and I weakly waved at him with the two total fingers that would obey me. "Oh, thank god!"

He quickly reached for a communicator. "Jim! Get your corn fed self over here! She's awake!" He exclaimed, and I heard unintelligible speech from across the line.

Bones swiftly put the communicator away before quickly approaching. "Ferris are yo- how do you feel?" He asked with furrowed brows, checking over the IVs in my arm and my medical monitor.

I offered a loopy grin as my facial muscles came online. "Can't complain."

He asked me a few more questions that I answered in simple yes's and no's. I was still half convinced I was in heaven or hell or somewhere where imbetween.

Suddenly, a familiar blonde burst into the room. A dark-haired male in blue with pointy ears followed right behind him.

"Ferris!" Jim exclaimed before enveloping me in a tight hug. I hugged him back weakly, the effort of lifting my arm was like wading against a down hill stream. The warmth of his body was reassuring though.

Death was strange.

"Oh thank heavens! You're really awake!" Jim continued, wiping a single tear of joy from the corner of his eye. I nodded in agreement before looking to Spock who gazed at me with immense relief in his eyes.

"I am very pleased to see you have recovered," He offered and I blinked once in subtle confusion.

"We were so worried!" Jim added. "No one was sure if this would work."

I looked between them, feeling a bit puzzled.

"Am I dead?" I asked plainly.

Bones snorted. "No, but you were," He began. "We found healing properties unlike anything we'd ever seen before in Khans blood and decided to enact an emergency blood transfusion. So far, it has healed all the damage from the radiation."

My eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Oh? Wow. Well, it's nice to see you guys again. H-how have you been?" I asked slowly, realizing I was still alive and not dead.

How strange not to know.

The three men grinned in their own ways at my casual nature. As if I hadn't just died and come back to life.

"At least it appears there are no psychological after effects from the transfusion," Spock noted before gently reaching out with his hand and delicately brushing a lock blonde hair behind my ear. His touch was warm but not like the radiation. It was soothing.

Yup, this was definitely real.

Jim ran a hand down his face. "I swear if you ever pull something like that again," Jim began and couldn't hide his lighthearted tone, but I made a dismissive wave with my hand that was now fully operational.

"Oh come on Jim, it would've been you or me and I decided me," I told him genially as a grin spread across my mouth.

"Yeah but you cheated with that sedative shot," He argued, unable to keep himself from smiling. I think he was just happy that I was breathing again.

I shrugged. "I... improvised," I replied, glancing up to Spock and the corner of his lip turned up.

"How long was I out?" I asked as I slowly began to sit up. Each of my vertebrae popped in the process.

"Almost four days," Bones answered as he watched me closely. Most likely wondering if any ill effects of the transfusion would arise. "It felt longer."

"But thanks to Spock, we managed to catch Khan," Jim added.

I looked to Spock again, thankful. "Where is he now?" I asked.

"Cryogenically frozen," Spock replied. "No longer a threat."

"That's good to hear," I noted as I prepared to stand.

Bones noticed my intentions and quickly halted my actions. "You might want to take it slowly there Ferris," He advised.

"Yeah, Ferris, you just died and woke up a few minutes ago," Jim pointed out, "No rush."

I shrugged them off. A new energy was surging through my limbs and I knew a part of that was from Khan's super human blood. But I'd also never felt so ready to live.

I think being partially dead for a few days had enhanced the feeling.

"You guys kidding? I feel great," I insisted as Spock came to my side instantly and offered an arm off assistance as I stood with shaky knees. That simple action let me know that I could always depend on him. That he'd always be there for me.

"Besides, I've never felt so alive."

The End.

Bye. It's done. My fingers hurt.

But keep reading if you care ---->

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