Chapter 8

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a/n: i'm sorry it's been like 84 YEARS since i last updated

but here's the next chapter (finally)

thank you for reading and commenting!


Later that afternoon, Kevin and Edd were sitting side by side on Kevin's crumpled sheets. 

Kevin's room was a fairly accurate summary of the boy himself, with miscellaneous junk shoved into places entirely inappropriate and the light blue paint adorning the walls showing signs of wear and tear and beginning to peel away from the wall. Large cracks of paint were covered up with posters ripped haphazardly from magazines. A torn Blink-182 poster was currently residing across the room from the pair, giving Edd something to focus on. He was naturally nervous, and Tom DeLonge's lip ring was a good distraction to keep him from biting his nails. 

A slightly uncomfortable and strained silence had fallen over the two, broken only by the sounds of traffic on the street outside. Kevin rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. 

'So.' Kevin was the first to break the silence.

Edd turned his body slightly to face him, bringing up one knee to rest on the mattress.

'I guess you wanna know what's up with the years of bullying then.'

Edd folded his arms. 

'Yes, I would like to know the story behind that.'

Kevin let out a small sigh, hunching forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

'It's a long story', he began, hoping to deter Edd from the long and extremely personal story.

'I have time.' was the stoic reply.

Where to start? Kevin paused for a moment, allowing his brain to sort out the experiences and feelings in his long term memory and get to the chronological beginning of all of this.

'It started when I was 14. I'd always liked girls, but I started having feelings towards boys as well. It was so confusing because I thought I could only be straight. My dad had always been against gay people, and I guess it kind of rubbed off on me. 

As I got older, the feelings started getting stronger, and I hated myself for it. I was popular, and I thought for sure I'd get kicked out if they found out. But one day they found out, and they acted weird around me for a couple months, but eventually everything was all right with us, and through the grapevine the whole school found out. I thought they'd be assholes about it, so I decided to upkeep my reputation by bullying someone. 

And by this point, I'd started having the biggest crush on you. So I thought it would throw everyone off if you were my victim.
So every day, I'd hit you or tease you to get out my own frustration, and to stop people from ever finding out the truth. It was hell to do that to you. 

This went on until a few weeks ago when my dad found out I liked boys too. He flipped a shit, wouldn't believe it. He hit me, and told me he didn't have a son. 

After a couple of days, he cooled down and apologised. But he still won't accept me for who I am. 

So I thought, fuck it. Fuck it all. 

I heard through my friends at that point that you liked boys as well, and that they'd caught you staring at me. So I asked you for science help, and I kissed you, and here we are.

I am so so so sorry for what I did, and I know you'll probably never forgive me, but there's the story.'

Another tense silence fell as Edd's brain worked to comprehend all of what he'd just heard.

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