The start of a story

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We begin this story with a girl with pink hair moving into a new school trying to live on her own away from her family. The girl name is chelia and she is looking for something different and with a bit of begging and crying towards her cousin sherry. Chelia was allowed that freedom. With that freedom chelia starts her journey now

Chelia: I finally made it to fairy tail high. I kind of wanted to come here since it got good reviews and I been told that it's really fun here. I'm going to miss lamia scale high but I need my own freedom and this is it

Chelia then got bumped by a girl with blue hair and the girl with blue hair just kept walking

Chelia: Hey! You are supposed to apologize when you bump into someone

The blue hair girl gave chelia a death stare with a mean face

Chelia: I'm sorry. Please forgive me

The blue hair girl looked at chelia and left after the comment

Chelia: wow she was scary but I can't just stand here looking stupid I need to go to my schedule classes

Chelia goes to her class trying to forget about the blue hair girl

Time goes by and it's lunch time when chelia was walking around outside looking for a place to eat her lunch until she gets approached by a red hair girl and a blonde hair girl

Erza: hello chelia

Lucy: hi there

Chelia: uh-huh why are you talking to me? How do you know who I am?

Erza: we are talking to you because we want to know you

Lucy: and we know your name because you was in one of our class

Chelia: I guess that makes sense. Sorry for being rude. Do you want to eat lunch with me?

Erza: ofcourse

Lucy: that is why we came

Chelia: alright let's go find a place to eat our lunch

The group found a nice bench to eat their food and talk

Erza: so how are you enjoying fairy tail high

Chelia: it's alright I think but is true that there dorms provided with the school

Lucy: that's true dorms, food, and our health is all taken care off for us

Chelia: that's good to know. My day is getting better after what happened this morning

Lucy: what happened this morning?

Erza: whoever it is bullying you I will kick there @ss for you

Both Lucy and chelia got scared

Lucy: don't worry chelia if someone messes with you we will protect you

Chelia: thanks but I don't even know who is that blue hair girl is

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