please let me be your friend

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Chelia is waking up from the dream she had. The dream was her first day in fairy tail high and the incident that occurred afterschool. Chelia dreamed that she made a friend with the blue hair girl but instead the blue hair girl attacks chelia. That's when chelia wakes up

Chelia: oh my God! Oh it was a dream. Ow! my stomach

Chelia checks her body and see some wounds on her body. The wounds are not serious but the injuries do sting a little bit

Chelia: oh yeah I got these from yesterday. I was saved by the blue hair girl named wendy. That was kind of her but she didn't have to hit me so hard in the stomach but I think I crossed a line of hers

Chelia looks at the clock and see that if she don't leave she will be late on her second day of school

Chelia: oh no

Chelia puts on her pink underwear and black bra. Then she puts on her school uniform while having a blue bow in her hair and leaves the room running outside

Chelia: please don't let me be late

Chelia arrives at school

Chelia: yes I'm not late

Erza: morning chelia

Lucy: good morning

Chelia: good morning erza and lucy

Erza and lucy sees the bruises on chelia face

Erza: what happened to you?

Lucy: why do you look so beat up?

Chelia: I got into a fight

Erza and Lucy: who!?

Chelia: some woman name ikaruga

Lucy: erza isn't that the woman you fought in the past

Erza: yeah

Chelia: why did you two fight?

Erza: she started it. She wanted to fight me to test my strength. I ended up destroying her with one punch

Chelia and Lucy shiver in fear

Erza: don't worry chelia I will find her and beat her until she remembers to not to mess with you anymore

Chelia: don't trouble yourself erza I'm ok. Look at me I'm barely hurt

Lucy: that means you mus be very strong since you was able to beat her own your own

Chelia: not exactly

Ding Ding Ding Ding

Chelia: It's time for class. I will tell you guys what happened later during lunch

Erza: alright let's go Lucy

Lucy: let's see you later

The day go by and it's time for lunch

Chelia: finally time for lunch. I need to find Lucy and erza to tell them what happened  yesterday

Chelia was making her way outside until she saw wendy walking down the hallway and decides to follow her

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