Monday Madness

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After Saturday it was Sunday and chelia spent that day being lazy. Doing everything but her homework until the last minute. Thinking about wendy and being concerned but that made her stay up longer in the tonight to finish work that needed to be done. Its Monday and time for a new day. Chelia alarm goes off

Chelia: gooood moooorning!

Chelia looks at the clock and sees going to be late

Chelia: not again!!!!

Chelia puts on a shirt and a skirt that was on a chair and rush out the door

Chelia: I'm not going to be late!

When chelia got outside she realized something

Chelia: why do it feel.....breezy?

Chelia notices she is not wearing any panties

Chelia: *blushing* oh come on!

Chelia rushes back to the room and put on some underwear and went back to running to school

Chelia: *blushing* so embarrassing!

Chelia made her way to school

Chelia: yes I'm not late

Erza and Lucy appeared

Lucy: hey chelia!

Erza: good morning chelia!

Chelia: good morning you guys

Erza: we was waiting for you. You need to be prepared and stop cutting it close

Chelia: sorry I have that habit of cutting it close it's almost like my speciality

Lucy: you better change that because your luck is going to run out

Chelia: I guess your right since this morning I was almost going to be late because of a pantie situation

Lucy: that never happened to me

Erza: that happened to me one time but that's because of of a certain situation

Chelia: something happened

Lucy: yeah it did!

Erza: *blushing* shhhhh be silent lucy!

Chelia: Tell me! Tell me! and you better because for the rest of the day

Erza: *blushing* later during lunch so please calm down

Chelia: alright I will wait but it will be hard! Also guys I have a question

Erza: yes?

Chelia: why do I feel like alot of people are looking at me?

Lucy: do you want to tell her erza or should I?

Chelia: what is it?

Erza: well you know how you almost forgot to wear underwear to school

Chelia: yeah

Erza: you kind of forgot to wear a bra so your chest been bouncing all over the place

Chelia notices that she isn't wearing a bra and quickly covers her chest

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