Introductions to titles

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Its 11 in the afternoon, chelia woke up got dress and head towards Lucy room. Chelia was sneakly walking through the hallway until a voice was yelled towards chelia

?: Chelia?

Chelia: don't hurt me! I'm sorry!

Chelia turns around and sees erza

Chelia: erza!

Chelia hugs erza

Chelia: don't scare me like that!

Erza: sorry? I'm on my way to Lucy's room

Chelia: ofcourse that's what we agreed on. Can we walk together?

Erza: sure? I'm ok with that

Erza and Chelia starts walking together towards lucy room

Chelia: erza I have a question

Erza: what is it?

Chelia: what floor is wendy on? *in her mind* ( I need to make sure that I be aware of wendy location )

Erza: there are 5 floors in this building. Wendy room is on the 5th floor so seeing her is rarely

Chelia: *in her mind* ( that's good! ) thank you erza

Erza: no problem

Erza and Chelia arrives at Lucy room. Lucy had snacks prepared for them. They was eating and talking for a while until.......

Chelia: hey guys

Erza: what is it

Chelia: I need information on someone

Lucy: who?

Chelia: wendy

Erza: why?

Chelia: because I need to understand who she is because right now I'm in trouble with her

Lucy: what do you mean in trouble?

Chelia: everytime I've talked to her I  got beat up and I don't know-

Erza slams her hand on the table they was eating at

Erza: WHAT!

Lucy: are you alright chelia?

Chelia: I'm fine. I feel all better now

Erza: tell me what happened chelia. Please!

Chelia: well the first time I meet wendy I got gut punched and second time she hit me right in the throat

Erza gets up and starts walking to the door until chelia get up to block the door

Erza: move out the way chelia!

We must save the Broken AngelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora