Deadly Sleepover

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Wendy and Chelia start walking to the fairy tail dorm while chelia thinks to herself

Chelia: *blushing* *in her mind* ( why am I going to her house? What does she have plan? Why am I not scared? I feel weird just thinking about this! )

Wendy and Chelia make there way inside the dorm where erza and lucy are standing on the first floor

Lucy: Chelia!

Erza: glad your safe!

Chelia: hey guys

Wendy: yo pinkie come to my room around 7 and don't be any later! Got it!

Chelia: understand

Erza: hold on! Chelia you don't have to listen to her. You don't have to go

Wendy: it's better if she does because if she don't she will be in some trouble

Lucy: what are you planning on doing to chelia?

Wendy: I'm actually helping her. For a long time I'm actually helping someone out for the very first time so don't take what I give you granted! I on the 5 floor on the last door on the hallway

Wendy then left and went to her room

Chelia: so what's up with you guys?

Erza: don't play dumb! You are coming to my room right now!

Chelia: can I change my clothes first?

Erza picks up chelia and carrys her into her room while lucy follows. They went to the livingroom area

Chelia: did you really had to carry me to your room!

Lucy: erza wants something so erza gets that

Erza stands in front of chelia with a scary look on her face

Chelia: erza why are you mad?

Erza: because I don't know why you and wendy are so close! It doesn't make sense because I don't know

Chelia: look erza just sit down and let me tell you what is happening so please calm down because you are scaring me

Erza: I'm sorry I will calm down

Erza sits down

Erza: please tell me everything

Chelia: ok. Erza, lucy listen up

Chelia tells the story from the beginning to the point they are now

Lucy: why are making a bet with wendy!?

Erza: that was stupid

Chelia: I thought I could win!

Lucy: I will give you a benefit of doubt because you didn't know that wendy is a complete prodigy!

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