Chapter Three

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Your Part: I woke up startled noticing all the girls in my dorm were gone. "HELLO, HELLO, ANYONE" I yelled running around my room noticing everyone's clothes and books were gone. "Oh bloody hell, the first day and I'm late" I muttered under my breath.

I slipped on my stockings, skirt, Gryffindor sweater, and robe on before running into the common room with my books. After making my way to my first period I was five steps away from the class room to see Harry and Ron wandering around aimlessly.

"Ron, Harry what are you guys doing here" I exclaimed. "I could ask you the same thing. We're lost" Ron said bowing his head. I laughed saying "you know the class is literally right here, right". Harry gave Ron a light smack as the two argued over which persons fault it was.

"We've been running around for ten minutes when it was just right here" Harry exclaimed before Ron said "Oh yea well you said going in circles would help and"-. "Okay, okay blockheads. Let's just get to class huh" I said shutting them up. We nervously entered the classroom keeping our heads down as we walked to the front of the class. Draco was staring us down as he looked at me smirking. I rolled my eyes before his friends laughed at all of us.

Ron panted before spitting out "Whew, amazing, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late". Harry and I snorted a bit but stopped when the cat perched on the front desk turned into the one and only McGonagall herself. Ron's mouth dropped, as did mine and Harry's before I said "that was bloody brilliant".

"Thank you for that assessment Ms. L/n. Maybe if I were to transfer Mr. Potter into a pocket watch and Mr. Weasley into a map, one of you might be on time" she addressed all of us. "We got lost" Harry mumbled as she said "Then perhaps a map. I trust you don't need one to find your seats.

We all sulked to our desks as Harry sat beside Ron and I sat in the empty seat next to Hermionie. "Why didn't you wake me up" I asked. "You looked so peaceful with that dream you were having" she smirked raising her eyebrows. "Dream, what dream Hermionie" I asked in confusion. "I'll tell you at lunch but, in private" she whispered before listening back into the lesson. I turned my glance a bit meeting Ron's eyes who gave me a thumbs up as I returned it. What the hell was my dream about?!!
We were sitting in the grand hall as little bits of students wandered in. Potions went absolutely horrible as Harry lost Gryffindor points just for writing notes which I did not get. Professor Snape seemed cruel although I felt there was more to him than just anger.

Ron sat beside me as we aimlessly tried helping eachother with potions but it was no use. We. Sucked. "Honestly you two need a private tutor. I would happily fill that job for you" Hermionie commented as Ron and I rolled our eyes. "Ohhh um y/n can I speak to you for a minute in private" Hermionie addressed me raising her eyebrows. I knew exactly what she meant before saying to Ron "sorry I couldn't help that much. Guess potions isn't my thing". "It's not a problem" he said giving me a warm smile.

"Sooooo that dream you were having" Hermionie slowly began. I urged her to move along with the story. "Well as you slept you were muttering...muttering Ron's name" she finished. Oh. Shit. The whole dream was kinda just Ron grabbing my hand but I lied quick "yea he kept messing up in class in the dream so I just...was helping him". "Are you sure" she asked as I nodded vigorously before joining back in at the table.

"What was that all about" Harry asked before I looked at Ron who was working hard on his potions paper. I smiled at his determination before turning to Harry and saying "nothing, nothing at all".

Then the next thing we knew owls were swooping into the building. I marveled at the beautiful sight and adversity of each different owl. I got a letter from my mom telling me I might have to stay for Christmas. I frowned a bit as Ron asked me if I was okay. I nodded before turning to look at Seamus finnigan.

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