Chapter 1

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Rudolph was floating around Tony's room, waiting for him. Tony had plans to set up a party for all the vampires and mortals to get to know each other.

What a boring party, Rudolph thought.

All Rudolph wanted was to be around Tony, ONLY TONY. Tony belonged to Rudolph, at least that's what Rudolph wanted to believe.The door nob started to turn and Rudolph got excited, and a smile grew on Rudolph's face as he heard Tony's voice.

" Rudolph? you still in there?" Tony said in excitement smiling.

Rudolph floats towards Tony and gives him an embracing hug. Tony smiled. " Finally your back! you took ages!" Rudolph said smirking." I didn't take too long. " Tony chuckled. " Hows the party? I bet it's soooo boring." Rudolph laughed.

Tony nudged Rudolph. " It's not that bad, maybe you should get out there and actually meet my parents." Tony said.

" ehhh party's are boring! let's go have some fun!" Rudolph snarled.

Tony raised an eyebrow and smiled, " You know what! let's go!" Tony said with joy.

Rudolph smiled and gazed into Tony's eyes but he broke eye contact before it got weird. Rudolph grabbed Tony's hand and they hopped out of the window and drifted away from the castle.

While Rudolph was focusing on where they were flying, Tony stared at Rudolph's handsome facial features and blushed. Tony tightened his grip and gazed at Rudolph one more time.

Rudolph smirked and looked at Tony. " Is there something on my face?" Rudolph chuckled. Tony's face turned a shade of crimson red, almost like a dark rose in the night.

" Nope just looking at the view! it's very pretty out here in the dark." Tony said embarrassed.

Rudolph blushed.

They slowly floated down to the ground as they were surounded by trees and the sounds of the wind gently brushing against the leaves.

" Where are we?" Tony asked. " This is just a private place I guess." Rudolph said.

Tony took a deep breath and smiled, " Well this is a wonderful place." Tony said softly.

" I guess it is, anyway I wanted to talk to you about something" Rudolph said quietly.

" Is something wrong?" Tony asked with a worried face of concern.

" What? no. I just umm... I don't know how to say this" Rudolph said nervously.

Rudolph blushed and hid his embarrassment with a smirk.

Tony smirked and stared into Rudolph's eyes.

Rudolph couldn't help but stare back into Tony's ocean blue eye's. Rodolph's eyes were like a pool of bright blood when the moonlight shined onto them.

Rudolph took a step closer and their faces were inches apart. Rudolph could feel the heat in Tony's face and see how tomato red he was.

Tony knew that this was against the old legends, that mortals and immortals could never be together but times have changed. Without suprise Tony grabbed the collar of Rudolph's jacket and kissed him.

The warmth of Tony's soft lips touched Rudolph's, it was sweet and left Rudoph wanting more but he had to hold back his lust.

Tony wraps his arms around Rudolph and Rudolph does the same. The heat from Tony's body made Rudolph feel comfortable and safe.

Rudolph enjoyed the loving feeling of being in Tony's arms, it almost felt like a dream to him.

Tony kissed Rudolph one last time, " We should get going the sun is starting to rise" Tony said.

Rudolph nodded and carried Tony in his arms as they flew back to the castle.

Feelings For a mortal  ( Rudolph x Tony )Where stories live. Discover now