Chapter 7

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Rudolph dipped his finger in the batter and smugged it onto Tony's cheek." Now you got my face dirty." Tony giggled. Rudolph licked Tony's cheek, " Now your clean." Rudolph said smirking, holding onto Tony's hips. Tony laughed a little and continued to mix the batter, " Help me pour this into the baking pan." Tony asked.

Rudolph tilted the mixing bowl and the batter slowly filled the pan, " oooookay thats good!" Tony said. Tony took the bowl to the sink and set it down, risining the mixing bowl. Rudolph grabbed a glass of a fresh bloodymary, sipping on it the taste was stale and too sweet. Maybe it wasn't as fresh as he thought.

" Hows the drink?" Tony asked. Rudolph set the glass down, " It's stale blood and waaaay too sweet, what blood type? and I can tell this is from a hospital. Hospital blood is always stale." Rudolph said. Tony frowned, " I told my mom we should have gotten fresh blood but she didn't want to make a mess or end up killing a cow." Rudolph smiled, " It's okay my parent's wouldn't be able to tell the difference." Rudolph said.

" I prefer your blood anyway." Rudolph whispered into Tony's ear. Tony blushed and grabbed the pan and placed it in the oven." So whats up with your mom hugging me and telling me to call her Dottie?" Rudolph asked confused. Tony looked at the stone floor embarrassed, " Well I told her that we have a relationship and... umm yeah." Tony said covering his face.

Rudolph hugged Tony, " It's okay! I trust your mom will tell my parent's and things will be fine during dinner." Rudolph said happily. Tony kissed Rudolph's cheek, " Awesome!" Tony shouted. Dottie came back into the kitchen, " What's all the excitement about?" Dottie asked curiously. " Me and Rudolph are just glad that you know about our relationship, and hoping that you could tell his parent's." Tony said.

Dottie nodded, " I could do that, by the way dinner will be done in a couple hours so you two could go get some air." Dottie said. Tony and Rudolph looked at eachother then left the kitchen and ran outside, basically kicking the door open. The two laughed and held eachother's hands as flew up onto the castle. It was beautiful during the night, the moon was bright and made the earth before them look so peaceful.

Tony sat down on the cold stone slab below his feet, " It's very pretty out here." Tony said quietly. Rudolph sat down next to Tony, " Remember how we first met?" Rudolph said. " Yeah why?" Tony asked. " Well that's when I knew I liked you, to be honest." Rudolph said looking into Tony's eyes. Tony shook his head, " No way!" Tony chuckled. " Yes way! I was so suprised when you didn't tell those people about me and when you let me sleep in your room." Rudolph said.

Tony blushed and leaned his head against Rudolph's shoulder, " I wanna do something fun." Tony whispered. " Like what?" Rudolph asked smirking. " I think you know what." Tony said. Rudolph bit the bottom of his lip and grabbed onto Tony's hand, " Let's go have some fun then." Rudolph said with a dirty smile.

Sorry I was busy today doing house work it sucked.

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